Our songs of courage; women's story project

Charles W Gillet Centre
Wednesday 7 June (10:00) - Thursday 15 June 2023 (12:30)

Email Claire@clairefrench.com or call 07514 714 414 to book your place.


When has music given you the courage to do something that seemed impossible beforehand?

This women’s* story project will share songs that have inspired us throughout our complex lives. We will talk about the important moments that came after these songs that stirred change from within. 

Songs shared can be in any language with home languages encouraged. 

Discussion will draw from English and other shared languages.

Our songs of courage will forge a private and confidential space to share moments of truth with women. After two weeks, you will have a personal soundtrack of songs and recorded memoir. This will be the first stage of a larger storytelling project in 2024.

This project is facilitated by Dr Claire French, an Irish-Australian performance maker and migrant who has created storytelling sessions like this across Africa, Oceania and Europe.

Place: University of Birmingham. Charles W Gillett Centre, 998 Bristol Rd B29 6LG AccessAble link

Commitment: 2x 2.5 hour sessions per week for two weeks


  • Wednesday 7th June, 10am-12:30pm 
  • Thursday 8th June, 10am-12:30pm
  • Wednesday 14th June, 10am-12:30pm
  • Thursday 15th June, 10am-12:30pm

Cost: Free, limited places available

 *Cis and trans women and non-binary people welcome.

Photo: Monica French, Claire’s grandmother, pregnant with her father upon first arrival in Perth, Western Australia