Ethics and disability research in Southern contexts: unexplored terrain, unresolved tensions

Faculty of Education, University of Cambridge
Friday 3 May 2013 (09:30-16:30)

Dr Paul Lynch

Dr Nidhi Singal

This is a free event but there are limited places so registration is essential

This seminar is part of a series of activities under a joint BAICE thematic forum with the University of Cambridge and University of Birmingham

Disability is an increasingly vital contemporary issue in international development and particularly so in the area of education. Primarily anchored in a human rights approach and human capital theory, significant efforts have been made to increase the enrolment and participation of children and young people with disabilities in a range of different educational systems. However, over the last few years there has been a growing critique of these approaches, wherein notions of social justice, difference and educational quality have become more nuanced, and have also shaped the nature and quality of educational provision for those with disabilities. All these developments have raised some interesting issues for policy, research and practice.

Our aim in this seminar is to critically examine ethical issues underpinning disability research in Southern contexts and explore emerging discourses. Some of the questions which will be discussed are:

  • What are the particular ethical issues specific to disability research in the South?
  • What ethical issues underpin the construction of knowledge in this field?
  • What counts as ‘giving back’?
  • What is the role of non-disabled Northern based researchers?
  • What is the role of funded projects where North-South hierarchies may influence research?

Invited speakers:

Professor Nora Groce, University College London, Dr Shaun Grech, Manchester Metropolitan University and Dr Guy Le Fanu, Sightsavers

We would very much welcome poster submissions for the event. Do contact us!