Recent publications
Griffiths, M 2024, 'Epilogue: ‘Claiming Time’ Special Issue', Journal of International Migration and Integration.
Griffiths, M 2023, 'The emotional governance of immigration controls', Identities.
Gill, N, Hoellerer, N, Allsopp, J, Burridge, A, Fisher, D, Griffiths, M, Hambly, J, Paszkiewicz, N, Rotter, R & Vianelli, L 2022, 'Rethinking commonality in refugee status determination in Europe: Legal geographies of asylum appeals', Political Geography, vol. 98, 102686.
Griffiths, M & Yeo, C 2021, 'The UK’s hostile environment: Deputising immigration control', Critical Social Policy, vol. 41, no. 4, pp. 026101832098065.
Gill, N, Allsopp, J, Burridge, A, Fisher, D, Griffiths, M, Paszkiewicz, N & Rotter, R 2021, 'The tribunal atmosphere: on qualitative barriers to access to justice', Geoforum, vol. 119, pp. 61-71.
Griffiths, M, Gill, N, Allsopp, J, Burridge, A, Fisher, D, Hambly, J, Hoellerer, N, Paszkiewicz, N & Rotter, R 2020, 'What’s missing from legal geography and materialist studies of law? Absence and the assembling of asylum appeal hearings in Europe', Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, vol. 45, no. 4, pp. 937-951. <>
Griffiths, M 2019, '‘My passport is just my way out of here’. Mixed-immigration status families, immigration enforcement and the citizenship implications', Identities.
Griffiths, M 2017, 'Foreign, criminal: a doubly damned modern British folk-devil', Citizenship Studies, vol. 21, no. 5, pp. 527-546.
Griffiths, M 2017, 'Seeking asylum and the politics of family', Families, Relationships and Societies, vol. 6, no. 1, pp. 153-156.
Griffiths, M & Morgan-Glendinning, C 2024, Immigration Detention and UK Families. in M Peterie (ed.), Immigration Detention and Social Harm: The Collateral Impacts of Migrant Incarceration. 1st edn, Routledge, pp. 65-82.
Griffiths, M 2021, Interrogating time and temporality in migration governance. in E Carmel, K Lenner & R Paul (eds), Handbook on the Governance and Politics of Migration. Elgar Handbooks in Migration, Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd., pp. 316–328.
Griffiths, M 2017, The changing politics of time in the UK’s immigration system. in E Mavroudi, A Christou & B Page (eds), Timespace and International Migration. Edward Elgar.
Other contribution
Griffiths, M 2021, Blog post: Stateless without Notification: Deprivation of Citizenship and the UK’s Nationality and Borders Bill. Verfassungsblog. <>
Griffiths, M & Morgan-Glendinning, C 2021, Deportability and the Family: mixed-immigration status families in the UK. University of Birmingham.
Griffiths, M & Silverman, S 2019, Immigration Detention in the UK. COMPAS. <>
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