Recent publications
Flores, BM, Montoya, E, Sakschewski, B, Nascimento, N, Staal, A, Betts, RA, Levis, C, Lapola, DM, Esquível-Muelbert, A, Jakovac, C, Nobre, CA, Oliveira, RS, Borma, LS, Nian, D, Boers, N, Hecht, SB, ter Steege, H, Arieira, J, Lucas, IL, Berenguer, E, Marengo, JA, Gatti, LV, Mattos, CRC & Hirota, M 2024, 'Critical transitions in the Amazon forest system', Nature, vol. 626, no. 7999, pp. 555-564.
Bergamin, RS, Bastazini, VAG, Esquivel‐Muelbert, A, Bordin, KM, Klipel, J, Debastiani, VJ, Vibrans, AC, Loyola, R & Müller, SC 2024, 'Elevational shifts in tree community composition in the Brazilian Atlantic Forest related to climate change', Journal of Vegetation Science, vol. 35, no. 4, e13289.
Prestes, NCCS, Marimon, BS, Morandi, PS, Reis, SMDA, Junior, BHM, Cruz, WJA, Oliveira, EA, Mariano, LH, Elias, F, Santos, DM, Esquivel-Muelbert, A & Phillips, OL 2024, 'Impact of the extreme 2015-16 El Niño climate event on forest and savanna tree species of the Amazonia-Cerrado transition', Flora.
Tavares, JV, Oliveira, RS, Mencuccini, M, Signori-Müller, C, Pereira, L, Diniz, FC, Gilpin, M, Marca Zevallos, MJ, Salas Yupayccana, CA, Acosta, M, Pérez Mullisaca, FM, Barros, FDV, Bittencourt, P, Jancoski, H, Scalon, MC, Marimon, BS, Oliveras Menor, I, Marimon, BH, Fancourt, M, Chambers-Ostler, A, Esquivel-Muelbert, A, Rowland, L, Meir, P, Lola da Costa, AC, Nina, A, Sanchez, JMB, Tintaya, JS, Chino, RSC, Baca, J, Fernandes, L, Cumapa, ERM, Santos, JAR, Teixeira, R, Tello, L, Ugarteche, MTM, Cuellar, GA, Martinez, F, Araujo-Murakami, A, Almeida, E, da Cruz, WJA, del Aguila Pasquel, J, Aragāo, L, Baker, TR, de Camargo, PB, Brienen, R, Castro, W, Ribeiro, SC, Coelho de Souza, F, Cosio, EG, Davila Cardozo, N, da Costa Silva, R, Disney, M, Espejo, JS, Feldpausch, TR, Ferreira, L, Giacomin, L, Higuchi, N, Hirota, M, Honorio, E, Huaraca Huasco, W, Lewis, S, Flores Llampazo, G, Malhi, Y, Monteagudo Mendoza, A, Morandi, P, Chama Moscoso, V, Muscarella, R, Penha, D, Rocha, MC, Rodrigues, G, Ruschel, AR, Salinas, N, Schlickmann, M, Silveira, M, Talbot, J, Vásquez, R, Vedovato, L, Vieira, SA, Phillips, OL, Gloor, E & Galbraith, DR 2023, 'Basin-wide variation in tree hydraulic safety margins predicts the carbon balance of Amazon forests', Nature, vol. 617, no. 7959, pp. 111-117.
Costa, FRC, Lang, C, Sousa, TR, Emilio, T, Esquivel-Muelbert, A & Schietti, J 2023, 'Fine-grained water availability drives divergent trait selection in Amazonian trees', Frontiers in Forests and Global Change, vol. 6, 1112560.
de Lima, RB, Görgens, EB, da Silva, DAS, de Oliveira, CP, Batista, APB, Caraciolo Ferreira, RL, Costa, FRC, Ferreira de Lima, RA, da Silva Aparício, P, de Abreu, JC, da Silva, JAA, Guimaraes, AF, Fearnside, PM, Sousa, TR, Perdiz, R, Higuchi, N, Berenguer, E, Resende, AF, Elias, F, de Castilho, CV, de Medeiros, MB, de Matos Filho, JR, Sardinha, MA, Freitas, MAF, da Silva, JJ, da Cunha, AP, Santos, RM, Muelbert, AE, Guedes, MC, Imbrózio, R, de Sousa, CSC, da Silva Aparício, WC, da Silva e Silva, BM, Silva, CA, Marimon, BS, Junior, BHM, Morandi, PS, Storck-Tonon, D, Vieira, ICG, Schietti, J, Coelho, F, Alves de Almeida, DR, Castro, W, Carvalho, SPC, da Silva, RDSA, Silveira, J, Camargo, JL, Melgaço, K, de Freitas, LJM, Vedovato, L, Benchimol, M, de Oliveira de Almeida, G, Prance, G, da Silveira, AB, Simon, MF, Garcia, ML, Silveira, M, Vital, M, Andrade, MBT, Silva, N, de Araújo, RO, Cavalheiro, L, Carpanedo, R, Fernandes, L, Manzatto, AG, de Andrade, RTG, Magnusson, WE, Laurance, B, Nelson, BW, Peres, C, Daly, DC, Rodrigues, D, Zopeletto, AP, de Oliveira, EA, Dugachard, E, Barbosa, FR, Santana, F, do Amaral, IL, Ferreira, LV, Charão, LS, Ferreira, J, Barlow, J, Blanc, L, Aragão, L, Sist, P, de Paiva Salomão, R, da Silva, ASL, Laurance, S, Feldpausch, TR, Gardner, T, Santiago, W, Balee, W, Laurance, WF, Malhi, Y, Phillips, OL, da Silva Zanzini, AC, Rosa, C, Tadeu Oliveira, W, Pereira Zanzini, L, José Silva, R & Mangabeira Albernaz, AL 2023, 'Giants of the Amazon: How does environmental variation drive the diversity patterns of large trees?', Global Change Biology, vol. 29, no. 17, pp. 4861-4879.
Araza, A, Herold, M, de Bruin, S, Ciais, P, Gibbs, DA, Harris, N, Santoro, M, Wigneron, JP, Yang, H, Málaga, N, Nesha, K, Rodriguez-Veiga, P, Brovkina, O, Brown, HCA, Chanev, M, Dimitrov, Z, Filchev, L, Fridman, J, García, M, Gikov, A, Govaere, L, Dimitrov, P, Moradi, F, Muelbert, AE, Novotný, J, Pugh, TAM, Schelhaas, MJ, Schepaschenko, D, Stereńczak, K & Hein, L 2023, 'Past decade above-ground biomass change comparisons from four multi-temporal global maps', International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, vol. 118, 103274.
Synergize Consortium 2023, 'Pervasive gaps in Amazonian ecological research', Current biology : CB, vol. 33, no. 16, pp. 3495-3504.e4.
Bennett, AC & Esquivel-Muelbert, A 2023, 'Sensitivity of South American tropical forests to an extreme climate anomaly', Nature Climate Change, vol. 13, pp. 967-974.
Rodrigues, AV, Pastório, FF, Bones, FLV, Esquivel Muelbert, A, Vibrans, AC & de Gasper, AL 2022, 'A test of the fast–slow plant economy hypothesis in a subtropical rain forest', Plant Ecology and Diversity, vol. 14, no. 5-6, pp. 267-277.
Reis, SM, Marimon, BS, Esquivel‐muelbert, A, Marimon, BH, Morandi, PS, Elias, F, Oliveira, EA, Galbraith, D, Feldpausch, TR, Menor, IO, Malhi, Y & Phillips, OL 2022, 'Climate and crown damage drive tree mortality in southern Amazonian edge forests', Journal of Ecology, vol. 110, no. 4, pp. 876-888.
Klipel, J, Bergamin, R, Esquivel-Muelbert, A, Lima, RAFD, Oliveira, A, Prado, PI & Müller, S 2022, 'Climatic distribution of tree species in the Atlantic Forest', Biotropica, vol. 54, no. 5, pp. 1170-1181.
De Sousa, TR, Schietti, J, Esquivel-Muelbert, A, Phillips, OL, Costa, FRC & Ribeiro, I 2022, 'Water table depth modulates productivity and biomass across Amazonian forests', Global Ecology and Biogeography, vol. 31, no. 8, pp. 1571-1588.
Bordin, KM, Esquivel-Muelbert, A, Klipel, J, Picolotto, RC, Bergamin, R, Silva, ACD, Higuchi, P, Capellesso, ES, Marques, MCM, Souza, AF & Müller, SC 2023, 'No relationship between biodiversity and forest carbon sink across the subtropical Brazilian Atlantic Forest', Perspectives in Ecology and Conservation, vol. 21, no. 2, pp. 112-120.
Review article
Hartmann, H, Bastos, A, Das, AJ, Esquivel-muelbert, A, Hammond, WM, Martínez-vilalta, J, Mcdowell, NG, Powers, JS, Pugh, TAM, Ruthrof, KX & Allen, CD 2022, 'Climate change risks to global forest health: emergence of unexpected events of elevated tree mortality worldwide', Annual Review of Plant Biology, vol. 73, no. 1, pp. 673-702.
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