Dr Rebecca Bartlett PhD, MSc

Dr Rebecca Bartlett

School of Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences
Associate Professor in Biogeochemistry

Contact details

School of Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences
University of Birmingham
B15 2TT

Rebecca is a biogeochemist, specialising in nutrient cycling and environmental change in modern and past environments. Her research focuses on the biogeochemistry of peats, soils and sediments during environmental disturbance; the subsurface microbial response to natural and anthropogenic changes in atmospheric sulphur deposition, temperature, storms and floods, mineral reactivity and chemical pollution. Using a combined field and laboratory approach, and stable isotopic techniques, Rebecca’s work examines the small-scale (local) consequences of long-term (global) changes to the environment, and subsequent impacts on pH, carbon dynamics, major nutrient cycles and water quality.


  • 2005 PhD in Biogeochemistry, School of Earth and Environment, University of Leeds
  • 2002 MSc in Environmental Geochemistry, School of Earth Sciences, University of Leeds
  • 1999 BSc Geological Sciences, School of Earth Sciences, University of Leeds


Recent publications


Mauquoy, D, Payne, RJ, Babeshko, KV, Bartlett, R, Boomer, I, Bowey, H, Evans, CD, Ring-Hrubesh, F, Muirhead, D, O'Callaghan, M, Piotrowska, N, Rush, G, Sloan, T, Smeaton, C, Tsyganov, AN & Mazei, YA 2020, 'Falkland Island peatland development processes and the pervasive presence of fire', Quaternary Science Reviews, vol. 240, 106391. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.quascirev.2020.106391

Worrall, F, Howden, N, Burt, TP & Bartlett, R 2019, 'The importance of sewage effluent discharge in the export of dissolved organic carbon from U.K. rivers', Hydrological Processes. https://doi.org/10.1002/hyp.13442

Worrall, F, Howden, NJK, Burt, TP & Bartlett, R 2018, 'Declines in the dissolved organic carbon (DOC) concentration and flux from the UK', Journal of Hydrology, vol. 556, pp. 775-789. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jhydrol.2017.12.001

Klaar, MJ, Kidd, C, Malone, E, Bartlett, R, Pinay, G, Chapin, FS & Milner, A 2015, 'Vegetation succession in deglaciated landscapes : implications for sediment and landscape stability', Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, vol. 40, no. 8, pp. 1088–1100. https://doi.org/10.1002/esp.3691

Chigbo, C, Batty, L & Bartlett, R 2013, 'Interactions of copper and pyrene on phytoremediation potential of Brassica juncea in copper-pyrene co-contaminated soil', Chemosphere, vol. 90, no. 10, pp. 2542-2548. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chemosphere.2012.11.007

Li, Q, Wang, X, Kan, D, Bartlett, R, Pinay, G, Ding, Y & Ma, W 2012, 'Enrichment of Phosphate on Ferrous Iron Phases during Bio-Reduction of Ferrihydrite', International Journal of Geosciences. https://doi.org/10.4236/ijg.2012.32033

Li, Q, Wang, X, Bartlett, R, Pinay, G, Kan, D, Zhang, W & Sun, J 2012, 'Ferrous Iron Phosphorus in Sediments: Development of a Quantification Method through 2,2′‐Bipyridine Extraction', Water Environment Research. https://doi.org/10.2175/106143012x13373575830872

Bottrell, SH, Hatfield, D, Bartlett, R, Spence, MJ, Bartle, KD & Mortimer, RJG 2010, 'Concentrations, sulfur isotopic compositions and origin of organosulfur compounds in pore waters of a highly polluted raised peatland', Organic Geochemistry, vol. 41, no. 1, pp. 55-62. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.orggeochem.2009.07.005

Bartlett, R, Bottrell, SH, Sinclair, K, Thornton, S, Fielding, ID & Hatfield, D 2010, 'Lithological controls on biological activity and groundwater chemistry in Quaternary sediments', Hydrological Processes, vol. 24, pp. 726-735. https://doi.org/10.1002/hyp.7514

Clark, JM, Bottrell, SH, Evans, CD, Monteith, DT, Bartlett, R, Rose, R, Newton, RJ & Chapman, PJ 2010, 'The importance of the relationship between scale and process in understanding long-term DOC dynamics', Science of the Total Environment, vol. 408, no. 13, pp. 2768-2775. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2010.02.046

Bartlett, R, Bottrell, SH, Coulson, JP, Carlton, G & Forbes, L 2009, '³⁴S tracer study of pollutant sulfate behaviour in a lowland peatland', Biogeochemistry, vol. 95, no. 2-3, pp. 261-275. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10533-009-9335-7

Bartlett, R, Mortimer, RJG & Morris, K 2008, 'Anoxic nitrification: Evidence from Humber Estuary sediments (UK)', Chemical Geology, vol. 250, no. 1-4, pp. 29-39. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chemgeo.2008.02.001

Bottrell, S, Tellam, J, Bartlett, R & Hughes, A 2008, 'Isotopic composition of sulfate as a tracer of natural and anthropogenic influences on groundwater geochemistry in an urban sandstone aquifer, Birmingham, UK', Applied Geochemistry, vol. 23, no. 8, pp. 2382-2394. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.apgeochem.2008.03.012

Bartlett, R & Bottrell, S 2008, 'Stable isotope methods in groundwater engineering', Water Management, vol. 161, no. 6, pp. 357-365. https://doi.org/10.1680/wama.2008.161.6.357

Bartlett, R 2007, 'The biogeochemistry of a manganese-rich Scottish sea loch: Implications for the study of anoxic nitrification', Continential Shelf Research, vol. 27, pp. 1501. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.csr.2007.01.027

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