Recent publications
Kirschner, JA, Ascoli, D, Moore, P, Clark, J, Calvani, S & Boustras, G 2024, 'Governance drivers hinder and support a paradigm shift in wildfire risk management in Italy', Regional Environmental Change, vol. 24, no. 1, 13.
Yasmin, T, Clark, J, Sambrook-Smith, G, Daham, A, Nicholas, A & Gasparotto, A 2024, 'Towards sustainable governance of freshwater sand – A resource regime approach', Earth System Governance, vol. 22, 100228, pp. 1.
Kirschner, J, Clark, J & Boustras, G 2023, 'Governing wildfires: toward a systematic analytical framework', Ecology and Society, vol. 28, no. 2, 6.
Salder, J, Bryson, JR & Clark, J 2023, 'The decoupling effect and shifting assemblages of English regionalism: economic governance, politics and firm-state relations', Environment and Planning C: Politics and Space, pp. 1-21.
Alemie, TC, Buytaert, W, Clark, J, Tilahun, SA & Steenhuis, TS 2022, 'Barriers to implementing poverty alleviation through livelihood strategies: A participatory analysis of farming communities in Ethiopia's upper Blue Nile basin', Environmental Science and Policy, vol. 136, pp. 453-466.
McGinlay, J, Jones, N, Clark, J & Maguire-Rajpaul, VA 2021, 'Retreating coastline, retreating government? Managing sea level rise in an age of austerity', Ocean and Coastal Management, vol. 204, 105458.
Russell, C, Clark, J, Hannah, D & Sugden, F 2021, 'Towards a collaborative governance regime for disaster risk reduction: exploring scalar narratives of institutional change in Nepal', Applied Geography, vol. 134, 102516.
Clark, J 2021, '‘The Darroch affair': assemblage lines, components, and transformations', Political Geography, vol. 84, 102304.
Docherty, JM, Mao, F, Buytaert, W, Clark, JRA & Hannah, DM 2020, 'A framework for understanding water-related multi-hazards in a sustainable development context', Progress in Physical Geography, vol. 44, no. 2, pp. 267-284.
Vij, S, Russell, C, Clark, J, Parajuli, BP, Shakya, P & Dewulf, A 2020, 'Evolving disaster governance paradigms in Nepal', International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, vol. 50, 101911.
Karpouzoglou, T, Dewulf, A, Perez, K, Gurung, P, Regmi, S, Isaeva, A, Foggin, M, Bastiaensen, J, Van Hecken, G, Zulkafli, Z, Mao, F, Clark, J, Hannah, DM, Chapagain, PS, Buytaert, W & Cieslik, K 2020, 'From present to future development pathways in fragile mountain landscapes', Environmental Science and Policy, vol. 114, pp. 606-613.
Cieslik, K, Shakya, P, Uprety, M, Dewulf, A, Russell, C, Clark, J, Dhital, MR & Dhakal, A 2019, 'Building Resilience to Chronic Landslide Hazard Through Citizen Science', Frontiers in Earth Science, vol. 7, 278.
Mao, F, Zhao, X, Ma, P, Chi, S, Richards, KS, Clark, J, Hannah, D & Krause, S 2019, 'Calibration of biological sensitivity values using environmental conditions and ridge regression methods', Ecological Indicators.
Daham, A, Sambrook-Smith, G, Clark, J & Yasmin, T 2024, 'Sand mining across the Ganges-Brahmaputra-Meghna catchment; assessment of activity and implications for sediment delivery', Environmental Research Letters.
Review article
Mao, F, Khamis, K, Clark, J, Krause, S, Buytaert, W, Ochoa-Tocachi, BF & Hannah, DM 2020, 'Moving beyond the Technology: A Socio-technical Roadmap for Low-Cost Water Sensor Network Applications', Environmental Science and Technology, vol. 54, no. 15, pp. 9145-9158.
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