Our postgraduate community

Over the years, our research students, drawn from Portugal, Spain and Latin America as well as from the UK, have chosen to work on a variety of subjects which correspond to the interests and expertise of the academic staff.

Work undertaken by our postgraduates is frequently comparative or interdisciplinary in nature, dealing with intertextualities or the complex relationship between literature and the visual arts. Postgraduates may study individual authors or specific genres, or they might explore theoretical issues, such as the nature of the Canon or the often problematic relationship between fiction and autobiography. Some researchers have focused on the question of language and identity. Past research topics have included:

  • The construction of identities in Portuguese wine advertising
  • Metafictive techniques and reader response in the postmodern work of Rubem Fonseca (1963-2004): defamiliarisation, ludism and a critical commentary about fiction
  • Gil Vicente and English medieval drama: a comparative literary study
  • O ensino do Português em Macau: uma abordagem pós-luso-tropicalista
  • A matter of becoming: the dynamics of identity in Lusophone African and Anglophone Caribbean women's writing
  • A viagem de Miguel Torga
  • Three translations of William Faulkner’s Sanctuary
  • 'Contra o seu infinito a minha finitude': Representations of Death in the Fictional Work of Teolinda Gersão

Postdoctoral research in progress

Dr Ana Raquel Lourenço Fernandes:

  • ‘O conto na escrita de autoras contemporâneas inglesas e portuguesas como modo de construção de uma nova identidade: definindo e comparando o feminino na contemporaneidade’
  • ‘The Short Story in Contemporary British and Portuguese Women’s Writing and the Construction of a New Identity: Defining and Comparing Women Nowadays'