Find a research supervisor in music

Staff in the Department of Modern Languages who supervise PhD/MA by Research in the area of music and modern languages.

Professor Helen Abbott

Professor Helen Abbott

Pro-Vice-Chancellor and Head of the College of Arts and Law
Professor of Modern Languages

  • words/music relations (including aesthetics, translation, adaptation, and performance)
  • poetry and poetics (especially nineteenth-century French, and metre, accentuation, versification)
  • voice/performance in relation to literary texts
  • the role of digital media in researching texts and performances (music, theatre, readings)

Dr John Goodyear

Dr John Goodyear

Assistant Professor & Programme Lead for UoB Online MA Digital Media and Global Communication
Chair of the Year Abroad for the School of Languages, Cultures, Art History and Music

As Assistant Professor in the Department of Modern Languages, John Goodyear is the Academic Lead for the UoB Online MA programme Digital Media and Global Communication. Alongside this teaching work, he is Chair of the Year Abroad for the School of Languages, Cultures, Art History and Music.

In addition to his teaching role at the University of Birmingham, Goodyear has featured as a presenter on ...

Modern languages staff research supervision areas