
Scientists in a lab

Birmingham Medical School’s focus is on providing an exemplary medical education for its students. We maintain high standards in education through research undertaken into pedagogy and education, constantly refining and improving our curriculum and educational delivery.

Birmingham Medical School, through its education-focused research, has pioneered innovations such as SCRIPT, an innovative eLearning programme designed to encourage safe and effective prescribing and medicines management among newly-qualified doctors and other healthcare professionals. Developed by the University of Birmingham, SCRIPT seeks to eliminate the 8-10% error rate in trainee doctor prescribing estimated to cost the NHS £750 million each year.

Infographic: £80m new research funding annually. 25% of our publications appear in the top 1-% cited papers globally. £310m current live funding. Over 75% of our publications are developed in collaboration with national and international partners.

World-class research

Your medical education will benefit from the wealth of the College of Medical and Dental Sciences’ world-class research into areas as diverse as genome biology, musculoskeletal ageing and cancer immunology. The Birmingham Medical School is located in the Institute of Clinical Sciences which boasts specialists research across its schools of Nursing, Pharmacy, Dentistry, Biomedical Science and Medicine. Due to its unique location within a large research environment, students of Birmingham Medical School benefit from the direct impact of the latest research breakthroughs in their medical education.

Read our latest research news, research which ensures our teaching is at the cutting-edge of knowledge, knowledge which is critical to ensuring the future of medicine and healthcare.