Philosophy of Religion One-Day Workshop

Metallurgy and Materials building, Room GA03, University of Birmingham
Monday 14 May 2018 (13:00-17:00)

The John Hick Centre for Philosophy of Religion hosts a one-day philosophy of religion workshop.

The plenary speaker is Professor J. L. Schellenberg, a distinguished Canadian philosopher of religion. Professor Schellenberg is best know for his work on the argument from divine hiddenness and and sceptical religion. He is an author of many books including Evolutionary Religion (Oxford University Press, 2013) and The Wisdom to Doubt: A Justification of Religious Skepticism (Cornell University Press, 2007).

The event is sponsored by the John Templeton Foundation. 

All are welcome and there is no need to register.


  • 13:00 - 14:10: Joshua Brown, ‘'The Eutaxiological Argument for the Existence of God and an Infinite Universe Created out of Nothing’
  • 14:10 - 14:20: Break
  • 14:20 - 15:30: John Edge, ‘Implications of Value Contextualism for the Free Will Theodicy’
  • 15:30 - 15:50: Refreshments
  • 15:50 - 17:00: Professor J. L. Schellenberg (Mount Saint Vincent University, Canada), ‘Truth-Triggered Religious Commitments’


The event will be held at Room GA03, Metallurgy and Materials Building, University of Birmingham - Building G6 on the campus map