Sheryl Metzgner

Sheryl Metzgner

Department of Theology and Religion
Doctoral Researcher

Contact details

PhD title: Queer Freedom? Mystagogic Encounters of Poststructural Christian Spiritual Transformations in LGBTQ Persons
SupervisorsDeryn Guest (primary); Ben Pink Dandelion (secondary) 
Home country: Canada
PhD Theology and Religion


My aim in this qualitative research is to reflect a theology that is practical and that embodies the priority of justice while drawing on the fields of theopoetics and queer theology. I confront the issue of how to give voice to stories of human becoming for LGBTQ persons of faith who have been influenced by a Christian religious tradition. By employing a grounded theory methodology, I seek to trace the narrative maps by which persons of faith chart their stories of spiritual transformation, and to build a valid and reliable theory concerning this path. To this end, I apply the practice of mystagogic accompaniment as a conversational facilitative qualitative interview method. 

My research is being conducted in rural and urban cities in British Columbia, Canada.