HSMC PGR Showcase

Park House, Edgbaston Park Road, Birmingham
Tuesday 2 April 2019 (10:00-15:00)

Fayeon Fyfield-Calder f.fyfield-calder@bham.ac.uk

The Health Services Management Centre is delighted to be holding a PhD showcase event this spring at Park House, at which we look forward to sharing and exploring the excellent range of research being undertaken by our PhD students.

A number of our postgraduate researchers will be presenting a 10 minute presentation of their research to an audience of academic staff, and other PhD students. 

Professor Anita Charlesworth, who is Director of Research and Economics at the Health Foundation, and Honorary Professor at the University of Birmingham will give a keynote talk. Anita’s career in health economics, government, and health services research has been exceptional and highly influential, and she will present an overview of the NHS Ten Year Plan, the prospects for its funding and delivery, and where she thinks research needs to make a particular contribution.