The NHS Health Check programme – emerging findings from a realist review

Online event - Zoom
Tuesday 12 October 2021 (14:00-15:30)

Jennie Oldfield (

The NHS Health Check programme – emerging findings from a realist review

The NHS Health Check in England offers adults aged 40 – 74 an assessment of risk factors for cardiovascular disease, including heart disease, stroke and diabetes. Those assessed ‘at risk’ should be offered prescriptions, advice or referrals to other services to support them to make lifestyle changes. We know there is significant (and unexplained) variation in what people are offered after their check, and our realist review project aims to improve our understanding of what affects delivery of this part of the programme.



Dr Geoff WongGeoff Wong is Associate Professor of Primary Care and NHS General Practitioner. His research focuses on making sense of complex interventions using realist approaches – namely realist review and realist evaluation. He has led, or provided realist methodological support to, multiple projects in the UK and internationally. He and colleagues developed the current quality and training materials and publication standards for realist reviews and realist evaluations. Please see The RAMESES Projects for more information.


Claire DuddyClaire Duddy is a Realist Reviewer and an experienced information specialist. Her research interests include realist methods and searching for complex reviews, as well as overdiagnosis and overtreatment, testing and screening. Claire provides realist methodological support and acts as an information specialist across multiple research projects.

Both Geoff and Claire provide training on realist reviews and realist evaluations.

This seminar is part of HSMC’s seminar series.