Leading in partnership - Leadership and strengths-based practice

Wednesday 6 October 2021 (11:00-12:00)

Leadership is a critical aspect of strengths-based practice. Without effective and committed leaders, strengths-based practices are unlikely to flourish.

Whilst a lot of attention in recent years has focused on key elements of practice, such as strengths-based conversations, assessments and care planning, and the processes which underpin them, less attention had been given to leadership of strengths-based practice; what it looks like; how it differs from other models of leadership and how you do it well.

This webinar has been organised by SCIE and the University of Birmingham and will explore the following questions:

  • Key features of leadership and strengths-based practice?
  • How you lead the introduction of strengths-based practice in a different climate?
  • How you co-produce with people who draw on support?
  • How do you lead across partnerships?
  • How do you lead teams?