Ajeng Patria Meilisa

Ajeng MeilisaConstruction of Educational Transformation Adaptation by Parents in the implementation of learning during the Covid 19 pandemic

(Case in parents of primary school students in Indonesia)

Supervisors: Professor Paul Montgomery, Dr Harriet Clarke, Dr Chloe Alexander

Online distance learning in Indonesia is regulated through the Ministry of Education and Culture Circular Letter No. 4 of 2020 regarding the Implementation of Education in the Emergency Coronavirus Disease (Covid-19). The government’s physical distancing policy for the sake of preventing the spread of the epidemic has led to a change from formal education in school to learning from home with a nationwide online system.

However, in the implementation process, online learning has not been effective due to limited infrastructure, access to support during the learning process, and the unpreparedness of schools and parents. If seen from the parents’ point of view, not all parents have the ability to provide equipment for their children to learn. A dilemma occurs when parents are unable to attend to their children because they still have to work, a problem especially prevalent among parents with lower to middle-income status who do not have the flexibility to work from home, nor other people who can help accompany the children. In addition, many parents are simply not emotionally capable of assisting children to learn optimally. Family is the first social sphere that plays an important role in the process of children’s development, and this is especially the case during a pandemic. The diversity of abilities possessed by parents is a determining element of the physical, material, and mental readiness of their children during the online learning process at home. In order to study this process, various communication problems that occur during online learning will be examined, as well as the amount of influence that family communication has on the process, assessed through various family communication variables and patterns, and parenting systems applied in the family. Ownership, use, and mastery of technology by family members will also be examined to determine children’s knowledge levels during the online learning process from home.

The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of family communication on children’s learning outcomes and development during the Covid-19 period for future educational policy implementation.


  • S.I.Kom (Bachelor Degree in Communication) – Diponegoro University
  • M. Si (Master of Communication) – University of Indonesia

Research interests

  • Policy on inequality
  • Family communication
  • Early childhood education


Meilisa, A. (2016). Hiperrealitas kecantikan [The Hyperreality of Beauty], Indonesia,Depok:Kepik.

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