Dr Shelley Budgeon

Dr Shelley Budgeon

School of Social Policy and Society
Honorary Senior Lecturer

Contact details

School of Social Policy and Society
Muirhead Tower
University of Birmingham
B15 2TT

Dr Shelley Budgeon is an Honorary Associate Professor in Sociology who specializes in gender and feminist theory. Her research analyses the impact of various forces of social change on the constitution of gender relations and the performance of gendered identities. Her expertise encompasses theories of gendered subjectivity; feminist politics; gender, postfeminism and neoliberalism; sexuality and personal life; embodiment; theories of new materialism; and the structure of gendered organizations. She has held the position of visiting scholar at the University of British Columbia Institute for Gender, ‘Race’, Sexuality and Social Justice and at the Monash University Centre for Women’s Studies and Gender Research.


  • PhD in Sociology, University of Leeds 2000
  • MA in Sociology, University of British Columbia 1993
  • BA in Sociology, University of Calgary 1990


Shelley joined the University of Birmingham in 2003. Prior to this appointment she was a Research Fellow in the department of Social Policy and Sociology at the University of Leeds where she was awarded her PhD in Sociology. From 2015-2019 she held the position of Deputy Dean of Liberal Arts and Natural Sciences. In 2021 she ceased working full time at the university, retaining an honorary affiliation.


Shelley does not currently contribute to taught programmes.

Postgraduate supervision

Shelley does not presently supervise doctoral students.


Research interests

  • The relationship between gender, feminism and social change
  • Postfeminism, neoliberalism and gender inequality
  • Feminist theory
  • Gender and individualisation
  • Gendered subjectivities and identities
  • Sexuality and personal relationships

Current projects

  • Gender backlash, populism and emerging forms of anti-gender ideology

Other activities



Select publications

Budgeon, S. (2021), Making Feminist Claims in the Post-truth era: The Authority of Experience, Feminist Theory, Vol. 22(2) 248–267.

Budgeon, S. (2021), Sex/Gender and the Social: Feminist Theory’, In: Kivisto, P. (ed). Cambridge Handbook of Social Theory Volume 2. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. pp. 98-119.

Budgeon, S. (2019),‘The Resonance of Feminism and the Gendered Relations of Austerity’, Gender, Work and Organisation, Vol 26:1138–1155.

Rogan, F and S. Budgeon (2018), The Personal is Political: Assessing Feminist Fundamentals in the Digital Age, Social Sciences, Vol 7(132):1-19

Budgeon. S. (2016), ‘The “Problem” with Single Women: Choice, Accountability and Social Change, The Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, Vol 33(3) 401–418

Coffey, J. Budgeon, S. and Cahill, H. (eds) (2016), Learning Bodies, Singapore: Springer.

Budgeon, S. (2015), Individualised Femininity and Feminist Politics of Choice, European Journal of Women’s Studies,  Vol.22(3) 303–318.

 Budgeon, S. (2014), The Dynamics of Gender Hegemony: Femininities, Masculinities and Social Change, Sociology, Vol. 48 (2): 317-334.

 Budgeon, S. (2011), Third Wave Feminism and the Politics Of Gender in Late Modernity. Basingstoke: Palgrave.