Fuk Ying Tse

Fuk Ying Tse

Department of Management
Assistant Professor in Organisation, Work and Employment

Contact details

University House
University of Birmingham
B15 2TT

Dr Fuk Ying Tse (Ying) joined the University of Birmingham as Assistant Professor in Organisation, Work and Employment in January 2023. Her research broadly covers employment relations and the sociology of work, especially in the areas of reward management, job quality, and equality, diversity and inclusion. Prior to her PhD, she worked as a labour policy researcher in a non-governmental organisation, focusing on migrant workers in southern China.


  • PhD in Business and Management Studies, University of Warwick, 2020
  • MPhil in Government and Public Administration, Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2009
  • BSSc in Government and Public Administration, Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2006
  • Associate Fellow of the Higher Education Academy


Ying joined Birmingham in January 2023 as Assistant Professor in Organisation, Work and Employment. She was previously Lecturer in Work and Employment (2020-22) at the University of Leicester. She had also held teaching positions at Warwick Business School and the Department of Politics and International Studies at the University of Warwick (2018-2020), as well as an early career fellowship at the Warwick Institute of Advanced Study. 

Before moving to the UK in 2014, Ying worked on labour policy research and advocacy, as well as labour education in southern China, where she developed her research interests in working lives of migrant workers in the manufacturing sector. Her doctoral research examined how workers learn about pay on the shopfloor and how workplace dynamics shapes the ways in which they accumulate pay knowledge and contest pay-related practices in Chinese factories from a labour process perspective. 

Since 2020, Ying has expanded her geographical focus to the UK for a broader research agenda on pay transparency, job quality, and equality, diversity and inclusion. She is keen on collaborating with organisations beyond academia, such as trade unions, professional bodies, employer associations and community organisations to advocate responsible and inclusive employment practices.


  • International Human Resource Management (UG)
  • Organisational Behaviour and Human Resource Management (Distance Learning MSc)

Postgraduate supervision

Ying is interested in supervising PhD projects related to the following areas:

  • Employment relations in general, especially in the areas of reward management and pay communication
  • Employment prospects and workplace inclusion of immigrants


Research interests

  • Pay communication, contestation and negotiation
  • Job quality of migrant workers
  • Labour process theory 

Current projects

  • Employers' compliance with mandatory gender pay gap reporting in the UK: a sectoral comparison
  • Employment prospect and job quality of recent Hong Kong immigrants in the UK
China's influence on industrial relations in Europe


Tse, F.Y. (2022), ‘Learning about pay at work: a labour process approach to pay transparency’, Work, Employment and Society. DOI: 10.1177/09500170211070442.

Tse, F.Y. (2021), ‘Dying for an iPhone: Apple, Foxconn, and the lives of China’s workers By Jenny CHAN, Mark SELDON, and PUN Ngai’, ILR Review, 74(2): 551-552. (Book Review) 

Fuchs, D., Tse, P.F.Y. and Feng, X. (2019), ‘Labour research under coercive authoritarianism: Comparative reflections on fieldwork challenges in China’, Economic and Industrial Democracy, 40(1): 132-155.