Research Methods and Statistics for Sport and Exercise Sciences


  • BSc Applied Golf Management Studies, BSc Sport, Physical Education and Coaching Science, BSc Sport and Exercise Sciences


Year Two

20 Credits

In this module, students will learn about the key aspects of research methodology as it is applied to sport and physical activity. The module covers both the qualitative and quantitative traditions and provides students the opportunity to learn about these and how they are used in empirical research. Students can then take what they have learned and apply them to their final year dissertation/ project.

By the end of the module students should be able to:

  • Discuss and evaluate the appropriate analysis/analyses on different types of research data;
  • Select appropriate statistical tests for different quantitative research questions;
  • Carry out a range of statistical tests using SPSS;
  • Correctly interpret the results of such statistical tests and prepare a scientific report in an appropriate format;
  • Select the appropriate data collection and data analysis methods for different qualitative research questions;
  • Carry out a range of qualitative data analysis techniques.


Lectures, practical classes and workshops, guided independent study


Essay, SPSS computer based examination, and end of year examination