Xilin Dai

BEng Civil Engineering with Industrial Year, 2017
Graduate Civil Engineer, Mott MacDonald

Xilin Dai page

In this interview Xilin shares some of the lovely experiences she had as a student at the University of Birmingham. She spent 4 years studying here and describes her favourite modules and opportunities she took advantage of. She recognises that even as she was learning she changed her mind on the area of engineering she wanted to focus her career on thanks to a brilliant placement year.

Xilin also gives some great advice and speaks directly to international applicants encouraging them to trust your instinct in choosing Birmingham.

We Are (Third Width)

Xilin Dai, Civil Engineering alumna

Read Xilin's interview translation


大家好,我的名字是曦霖. 在2017的时候我从伯明翰大学土木工程系本科毕业(外加一年实习项目)。


很多人会问我为什么会是四年的学习时间 (注解:一般来说英国本科是三年制)。因为我去了Peter Brett Associates 公司的道路设计组来完成了我为期一年实习。在那极好而又精彩的一年实习期中,正是因为拥有了这个实习的经验,这个的过程帮助了我更好得为自己将来选择哪一种土木工程方向奠定了基础。其实在这背后有一个非常好笑的故事, 因为在一开始可以这么说我是本着朝着结构工程的方向发展的。结果到了最后,我却发现我真的就爱上了道路工程就是因为这个令人愉快的实习经验。

如果你问我我最喜欢的学科在伯大的时候,我个人认为这个答案我可能不能告诉你,因为这里全部的一切我都深爱着。我之所以选择伯明翰大学,就是因为我热爱这里所有的学科。我很想还是强调一下施工管理这个学科。因为我们通过学习这个模块我们是可以获得去现场实地测量的机会。 团队项目这个学科是对于我个人来说是我最喜爱的之一。 就像你会有机会去跟来自于不同背景不同身份的人打交道。当然头脑风暴集体研讨也正是我所喜爱的。 作为团队工作的一部分,我当然也加强了我个人在未来个人的团队合作能力,这也是作为土木工程师所需要掌握的关键核心技能。


许许多多的学生认为学习是最为重要的,但是其实实话实说学生自己的个人生活更为重要。获取经验的过程比事情的结果要更为重要。享受过程比在意结果这个重要的道理是当大家作为学生的时候需要去学习的。无需太担心最后的结果。只要你尽全力,那么你的结果就一定不会差。 然而仅仅是单一的盯着最后的结果,这并不总是正确的事情。



Advice from Xilin

“A lot of students think studying is always the priority, but to be honest your personal life is just as important. Don't just focus too much on your results; if you work hard and practise then your results will be fantastic but focusing only on results isn't always the right thing to do. Trust me! Do as much as you can do, and try as much as you can try - the University has so much you can try in sports and modules. You can find plenty of opportunities and you won't need to worry about too much in the future. The future is in your hands”