Our Courses

Providing new insights from leadership research and reflection-on-practice

Intersecting research and practice is a distinguishing feature of the Birmingham Leadership Institute. We consider insights from primary academic research and reflection-on-practice as complimentary ways of deepening our understanding about the practice of leadership. As we develop our research programme, we are particularly keen to explore:

  • What makes for effective leadership development for leadership in complex contexts
  • What distinguishes leadership that is collaborative, inclusive and responsible and how to nurture and develop it
  • Interdisciplinary research projects drawing together colleagues from multiple disciplines within the University of Birmingham and practitioners from the public, private and third sectors

Delivering leadership education, training and development

Delivering leadership programmes of various kinds is central to the work of the Birmingham Leadership Institute.

Future Vision is our flagship programme which we run jointly with The Leadership Centre. This cross-sector programmes allows 20 leaders and Chief Executives to come together to work on system leadership challenges and to work on their own development.

We have also run a variety of programmes commissioned by others including:

We offer a range of adaptable one-day programmes which provide a focus on a particular aspect of leadership embracing complexity. These currently include:

Providing open access leadership resources and programming and participating in public debate on leadership

In keeping with the Birmingham Leadership Institute’s presence within The Exchange and University of Birmingham’s civic mission, actively seeking and supporting public engagement and contributing to the public understanding of leadership is a key strand of activity.