What is community wellbeing? An interactive map-making session for all ages and abilities

Garden Studio, The MAC Birmingham Cannon Hill Park Birmingham B12 9QH
Sunday 13 November 2022 (10:00-16:00)

In this participatory interactive event, the Centre for Urban Wellbeing from the University of Birmingham will host an all-ages community wellbeing mapping session.

The event will invite individuals, families, younger and older people to contribute their ideas, imagery, photos, drawings, and recordings to a giant community wellbeing map, to identify and place (virtually or physically) these important ideas, objects, transactions and activities which together reflect community wellbeing.  

What does community wellbeing look like from a community member's perspective? What are those social activities, economic resources, cultural events, spaces or places that reflect a sense of 'around community wellbeing' and belonging in a local area? How do they take shape in practise with the community? 

Members of the University’s Centre for Urban Wellbeing will be on hand to talk with attendees and facilitate reflection on defining and describing community wellbeing, asking questions on what wellbeing means within communities, who is involved in creating wellbeing, and what it looks like in effect.  

This event is an open, drop-in session – anyone in the local area can just drop in and participate. A range of age-appropriate art ‘draw, write, tell’ materials for adding to the map would be made available, including smaller maps for younger participants or participants with disabilities/for whom access could be a challenge. 


Centre for Urban Wellbeing members will be on hand to talk with community members and facilitate reflection. 

This event is part of the ESRC Festival of Social Science. Spanning the months of October and November a range of interactive virtual and physical events will be free and open to the public.