
The University's Legislation addresses matters of institutional governance and organisation. It consists of the Charter, Statutes, Ordinances and Regulations and Codes of Practice. All members of staff and students are subject to the Legislation.


The Charter lays down the core tenets of the governance of the University: its establishment and legal status, its objects and powers, its governing body and key institutional officers. Amendments to the Charter have to be approved by the Privy Council. Download a full version of the University Charter (PDF - 38KB).


The Statutes set out the legal framework for the exercise of the University's powers.  They prescribe the composition, business and powers of the Council and Senate as well as other provisions in connection with the governance of the University and the promotion of the objects of the Charter. Amendments to the Statutes also have to be approved by the Privy Council. Download a full version of the University Statutes (PDF - 259KB).


The Ordinances provide more detail on the exercise of powers than in the Statutes. They distribute the authority of Council to committees and to executive officers, and control use of that authority. They contain provisions regarding the Senate, the University Executive Board, and College Boards, and establish the main elements of the University's organisational structure. Ordinances may be amended or augmented by the University Council. Download a full version of the University Ordinances (PDF - 531KB).

The individual Ordinances are:


The Regulations contain principles and standards designed to control or govern conduct or provide direction at a more detailed level than Ordinances.

The University has the right to make changes each year which bind all members of the University, including students. Sections 1-4 and section 9 may be amended or augmented by the Council. Authority to amend or augment sections 5-8 (the academic and student-related Regulations) has been delegated to the Senate.

The Regulations are cohort-specific and pertain to all students commencing their studies since 2016-17.

Codes of Practice, Policies and Guidance

Supplementing the Regulations, there are a number of academic and academic-related Codes of Practice and other policies and guidance documents. Visit the Codes of Practice page for a full list.

Like the Regulations, the Codes of Practice are cohort-specific and pertain to all students commencing their studies since 2016-17.