
Dr Laura D’Olimpio

Dr Laura D’Olimpio

Associate Professor of Philosophy of Education
Director of Postgraduate Research

Dr Laura D’Olimpio is Associate Professor of Philosophy of Education at the University of Birmingham, UK. Prior to taking up this position in 2019, Laura was Senior Lecturer in Philosophy at The University of Notre Dame Australia. 

Laura completed her PhD ‘The Moral Possibilities of Mass Art’ at The University of Western Australia. She is co-founder and co-editor of the ...

Dr Jane Gatley

Dr Jane Gatley

ESRC Postdoctoral Fellow

Jane is a postdoctoral fellow funded by the ESRC working on the case for teaching philosophy in schools. This work is a development of her PhD research, and will include publishing a monograph based on my thesis called ‘Why Teach Philosophy in Schools: the case for philosophy on the curriculum’.

Her research falls under the heading of ‘philosophy of education’. She ...

Professor Ben Kotzee

Professor Ben Kotzee

Professor of Philosophy of Education

Ben Kotzee is a Professor of Philosophy of Education at the University of Birmingham. He works on topics in the philosophy of education and focuses on applying insights from contemporary epistemology to questions regarding intellectual development. He also has research interests in professional ethics and in professional education. Ben Kotzee is the editor of the journal Theory and Research ...

Professor Kristján Kristjánsson

Professor Kristján Kristjánsson

Professor of Character Education and Virtue Ethics
Deputy Director of the Jubilee Centre for Character and Virtues

Kristján Kristjánsson’s research orientation can best be summed up as that of Aristotle-inspired philosophical scrutiny of theories in educational psychology and values education, with special emphasis on the notions of character and virtuous emotions. He has written extensively on themes in general education, moral education, educational psychology, moral philosophy and ...

Professor Andrew Peterson

Professor of Character and Citizenship Education

Andrew Peterson is Professor of Character and Citizenship Education at the Jubilee Centre for Character and Virtues. In broad terms his research focuses on the relationship between character and citizenship education, particularly the nature of civic virtues. His research has also focused on a number of themes connected to character and citizenship education, including global citizenship ...

Dr Ruth Wareham

Dr Ruth Wareham

Lecturer in Philosophy of Education

Dr Ruth Wareham is a Lecturer in Philosophy of Education who joined the School of Education in September 2021. Prior to that, she was Education Campaigns Manager for Humanists UK, where she continues to work as an Education Policy Researcher.   

Ruth’s primary research interests sit at the intersection between religion and education and she previously worked as a ...