LLM International and European Legal Responses to Terrorism

Module description:

This module explores legal responses to ‘terrorism’ by way of collective action by the ‘International Community’ including, in particular, initiatives and action undertaken by the United Nations, the European Union, and the Council of Europe.

The module covers issues concerned with the legal basis for enabling such action and mechanisms for controlling it. In so doing the module examines issues which collective action by international and regional bodies raise for international law, transnational criminal law, international criminal law, international criminal justice, European Union criminal law and justice, and International and European Human Rights law.

The module is also concerned with:

  • assessing the effectiveness of various initiatives undertaken by the ‘International Community’, and regional bodies
  • analysing the impact which these initiatives have: on individuals; and on trends in the use of such collective mechanisms for action in the field of criminal law and justice in International and European contexts

Outline of seminar topics:

  • International definitions of counter-terrorism
  • Criminalising terrorism in international and transnational law
  • Terrorism and the state of exception: implications for human rights
  • Torture and counter-terrorism
  • Surveillance
  • Foreign Terrorist Fighters
  • Targeted Killing
  • Assessing counter-terrorism