Dr Richard Turner

PERCAT rep for the School of Metallurgy and Materials


Image of Dr Richard Turner

What is your academic background and your current research field?

I have studied at the University of Birmingham for all of my higher education qualifications, with a BSc. in Mathematical Sciences, an MRes. in the Science and Engineering of materials, and latterly a PhD in Advanced Materials for Aerospace-related technologies. Currently, my research concerns manufacturing methodologies for metallic components, often with aerospace applications in mind, and I undertake computational modelling activities to further understand the fundamental physics and mechanics that occur during complex metal-working manufacturing.

What is your role as a PERCAT Rep and how can postdocs in your school contact you?

As a PERCAT rep for the school of Metallurgy and Materials, my responsibilities include making the RFs within the school aware of the opportunities that the PERCAT organisation offers to University researchers, and similarly feeding back any praise, concern or similar comments that the school's researchers have on their experiences, to the PERCAT committee. I can be contacted either formally through email, or via informal discussions over a coffee.

What do you feel are the benefits of the PERCAT programme for postdocs and what do you feel have been the benefits to you from being a postdoc rep?

I firmly believe that the researchers at the University of Birmingham can get as much from the PERCAT organisation as they wish, with a little input from themselves. With active participation in the organised events, feedback of their thoughts and opinions to their School representatives and sharing of ideas, UoB researchers can become embedded in to the research community here at the University. Becoming a rep on the PERCAT committee is another way for a research staff member to engage, and they can speak to current PERCAT representatives for further advice on this.