Disruptions on the highways of cellular signalling

Edgbaston campus, Leonard Deacon Lecture Theatre, Medical School Building
Wednesday 23 January 2013 (17:00)

Yvonne Dawson
Email y.dawson@bham.ac.uk
Tel: 0121 414 4054)


College of Medical and Dental Sciences - Named Lecture Series

Christie Gordon Lecture 2013

Professor Dario R Alessi, MRC Protein Phosphorylation Unit, College of Life Sciences, University of Dundee

Professor Alessi's laboratory focuses on unravelling the roles of components that regulate protein phosphorylation or ubiquitylation pathways emerging from the genetic analysis of human disease. He will talk about how we have studied poorly characterised components of signal transduction pathways that are mutated in human disease such as LKB1 (Cancer), WNK1 (hypertension disorder) and Parkinson’s disease (PINK1 and LRRK2). Professor Alessi will present data that demonstrates how these pathways are organised, how they recognise signals, how the signal moves down the pathway to elicit physiological responses and to comprehend what goes wrong in human disease. He will also show examples of how our research findings enable us to play the engineer and devise new strategies to better treat and diagnose human disease.

This lecture is open to all, pre-registration is not required.