International Women's Day: Menopausal Zest

The Exchange 3 Centenary Square Birmingham B1 2DR
Event cost
£10 (inlcudes hot drink & cake)
Saturday 8 March 2025 (14:00-16:00)
SadieBarnett_Workshop_Photo by Tod Jones_Lrg-13

Celebrate International Women's Day with The Exchange. 

"The most powerful force in the world is a menopausal woman with zest." - Margaret Mead, 1950 

As part of our “Our Health” theme, The Exchange welcomes Associate Professor Pilar Rojas Gaviria to celebrate International Women’s Day with a warm and inspiring tea and talk exploring menopause through a social lens. Pilar challenges the usual narrative of medical decline, highlighting "zest" – the energy, creativity, and empowerment that can flourish during this time. Afterwards, enjoy a creative workshop guided by artist Sadie Barnett.

Tickets are £10 each and includes a hot drink and a cake.

This event is presented by the University of Birmingham Public Programme team at The Exchange as part of a special programme celebrating the 125th anniversary of the University.