Christiane Falge
Professor, Department of Community Health, Hochschule für Gesundheit [University for Health] Bochum
Prof. Dr Christiane Falge is a professor at the newly established Department of Community Health, Hochschule für Gesundheit [University for Health] Bochum. In the BA program Health and Diversity Studies she teaches students to establish theoretical and practical structures that promote the participation of persons and population groups discriminated by the healthcare and social system and to lend specific support to those with diversity characteristics by providing healthcare information and consultation services.
In the past Christiane has done extensive research in various health care systems and analyzed migrants’ pathways of incorporation to the health care systems of several receiving countries in the Western world. In her recent book she comparatively analyses the responsiveness of different health care systems to cultural diversity by looking at migrants claim-making processes for improved access.
Another area of Christiane’s research interest concerns regional variations in health care. As part of a larger research team she examined how different British and German cities with variations in the composition of their migrant populations and the local resources available for support services affected access to care for adult onset diabetes.
She looks at the role of culture in institutions that are officially mandated to heal and save human lives. In this context she conceptualizes culture not only in terms of ethnicity but also with regard to institutional culture, specifically the culture of the biomedical system. Her research interests are care, migration, diversity, health and social inequality.
Falge, C, (2014) Migrants and Health. Political and Institutional Responses to Cultural Diversity in Health Systems. In: Public Health Forum. Special Issue ‘Migration and Health. Vol. 87, June 2015.
Falge, C (2015 in print) The global Nuer. Transnational Livelihoods, Religious Movements and War:, Rüdiger Köppe Verlag.