Postgraduate combined Arts and Law courses In 'Combined research and taught' Postgraduate combined research and taught courses Back to 'Postgraduate courses' Browse by subject area: African Studies African Studies MRes Archaeology Archaeology MResByzantine Studies MResEgyptology MRes Classics Byzantine Studies MResClassics MResEgyptology MRes Late Antiquity MRes English Language and Applied Linguistics African Studies MResAncient History MRes Applied Educational and Child Psychology Doctorate (App Ed and Child Psy D)Applied Mathematics MResArchaeology MResAtmospheric Sciences and Air Pollution PhD with Integrated StudyBiomedical Research: Cardiovascular Sciences MResByzantine Studies MResCancer Sciences MResChemical Engineering PhD with Integrated StudyChemical Engineering Science MResClassics MResClinical Health Research MResClinical Research - Academic Clinical Fellows (ACF) Framework MRes/PGDip/PGCertEgyptology MRes Electrical Power Systems with Advanced Research Masters/MSc (Two Year)Exercise and Sport Sciences MResFormulation Engineering EngDFunctional Genome Biology MResHistory MResHistory of Art MResHydrogen, Fuel Cells and their Applications MResIntegrated PhD in Life Sciences Doctoral Training Programme (iDTP)Interdisciplinary Study MResLate Antiquity MRes Liberal Arts and Sciences MResManagement Mathematics MResMaterials in Fusion Energy MResMolecular and Cellular Biology MRes Molecular Mechanistic Toxicology MRes MRes Environmental and Biological NanoscienceMRes Sikh Studies Natural Computation MResPhD with Integrated Studies in Formulation EngineeringPhilosophy MResPractical Theology Doctorate (DPT)Pure Mathematics MResRailway Systems Integration MResResearch in Human Geography MResScience and Engineering of Materials MResSexuality and Gender Studies MResSocial Work, PhDSpinal Pain MRes Theology and Religion MResTopological Science PhD History Ancient History MRes History MResLate Antiquity MRes History of Art History of Art MRes Modern Languages and Cultures Sexuality and Gender Studies MRes Philosophy Philosophy MRes Theology and Religion MRes Sikh Studies Practical Theology Doctorate (DPT)Theology and Religion MRes