Short course

Introduction to the Counselling Skills used in Genomic Medicine

This course focusses on building your knowledge and skills in communication, counselling, and appropriate attitudes to support individuals and their families affected by genomic investigations. The topics cover assessing the implications of genomic testing and includes both theoretical learning and practical sessions.

Start date
25 February 2025
5 days
Home - £1000
Postgraduate Microcredential
15 credits


The aim of this microcredential is to provide students with an introduction to the knowledge, communication and counselling skills, and appropriate attitudes and behaviours, to support individuals and their families whose care will be influenced by genomic investigations.

This microcredential will provide students with an introduction to the counselling skills used in genomic medicine. Students undertaking this module will be taught how to communicate and provide appropriate support to individuals and their families. Development of counselling skills will be achieved via theoretical and practical sessions through the use of role play within an academic setting. Students will understand the importance of a family history and communication of pathogenic and/or uncertain results.


  • Consent and what it means in relation to genetic and genomic testing.
  • Ethical and social implications of genomic testing.
  • How to record and interpret a family history, and recognising what is or may be relevant.
  • How to verify personal and family history information; consent, confidentiality and access to records.
  • Different purposes of genomic testing, including: approaches to prenatal testing, pre-implantation testing (PGD) and pre-conception carrier screening.
  • Strategies of approach to lifelong patient management of whole genome information.
  • Managing and explaining complex genome results.
  • Sources for patient support: patient support groups, on-line resources and other resources.
  • Communication and counselling skills, including: written communication skills (for example, designing written information for a patient); communication of genetic risk, including risk perception, and strategies for risk communication; communicating the relevance of genomic testing with a patient
  • Counselling tools to convey risk and other complex information.
  • Impact on the individual and family of a possible genetic condition.
  • Counselling theory that underpins genetic counselling practice.
  • The role of a genetic counsellor and the wider multi-disciplinary team.


15 Masters level credits

Attendance required

Teaching will take place on 5 days: Tuesday 25th - Thursday 27th February and Wednesday 26th - Thursday 27th March 2025.


Dr Laura Boyes (Lead Consultant Genetic Counsellor, West Midlands Regional Genetics Service)


You should have a good honours degree in a life sciences subject, although we will consider applicants with alternative qualifications and professional experience within the health service or other relevant background. You should either take Fundamentals in Human Genetics and Genomics, Omics Techniques and Technologies and their Application to Genomic Medicine and Genomics of Common and Rare Inherited Diseases first, or be able to show you have equivalent knowledge and understanding to enable you to benefit from this module. 

Please contact the Programme Administrator for further information at

Why choose a Postgraduate Microcredential short course?

  • Usually taken from exisiting modules within a Masters, they can be used as standalone credentials with some also counting as academic credits at postgraduate level
  • Add a postgraduate level qualification to your CV
  • Develop the specialist skills you need for your career goals
  • Alumni status with the University of Birmingham
  • Learners will have the same access to our student support and campus facilities as our students on full degree programmes.

Apply for the Microcredential