Events in Sexuality and Gender Studies

Forthcoming events

Our Mushroom Moment? On the Trans Possibilities of a New History of Communal Life

Our Mushroom Moment? On the Trans Possibilities of a New History of Communal Life

Professor Mo Moulton gives their Inaugural Lecture


Previous events



  • 14th November - Nan Goldin and the reclining nude
  • 21st March - A Research Event with Professor Tim Dean (University of Illinois, USA)
  • 19th-20th January - Imagining the Body in France and the Francophone World


  • 2nd June - Women, the Body and Capitalist Accumulation, Past and Present
  • 5th-6th May - Queering Luso-Afro-Brazilian Studies


  • 9th December - Critical Sexology in Birmingham: Anti-Post-Queer


  • 24th November - Selfish Women and Other Inconvenient Deviants
  • 16th-27th May - ROLES Conference 2014
  • 19th March - Dying for Sex: Cultural and Forensic Narratives of Auto-Erotic Death
  • 6th March - Queer cinemas between France and Spain
  • 5th March - Ahead, Athwart, Askance: tropes of perversion in contemporary Hispanophone cinema
  • 14th February - Rethinking Foucault for 21st-Century Sexuality Studies


  • 28th November - Sexology and literature: on the uses and abuses of fiction
  • 9th October - Firing the canon: the politics and poetics of exclusion
  • 7th March - ROLES event : The Bible, War and Rape
  • 19th February - 'French Republican Universalism' and the 'Event' of Queer Theory
  • 7th February - ROLES seminar on Women and Mental Health


  • 29th November - ROLES: Monstrosity and Criminality
  • 27th November - Maghrebi-French Disidentifications: Queer Performances of Gender, Religion, and Citizenship
  • 24th November - Workshop 2 - Genre, gender and identity
  • 25th October - ROLES: Spivak, Postcolonialism, and the Other
  • 16th October - Un barco cargado de...
  • 22nd June - Gendering impegno in modern Italian culture
  • 11th May - Roles: 2nd Interdisciplinary Gender and Sexuality Postgraduate Colloquium


  • 1st December - 'Phenomenology, feminism and the film experience, with reference to Agnes Varda's 'The Gleaners and I' [2000]'
  • 9th November - Sapphists and Sexologists, 1870-1920
  • 8th November - 'Women Intellectuals'
  • 13th-14th August - UK Feminista Summer School
  • 17th June - Women and Violence: The Agency of Victims and Perpetrators
  • Friday 27 May 2011, 1st Annual Interdisciplinary Gender and Sexuality Postgraduate Colloquium