Recent publications
Han, X, Lukoianove, T, Zhao, S & Liu, X 2024, 'International relations in international business research: A review and research agenda', Journal of Business Research, vol. 174, 114536.
Adomako, S, Liu, X, Sarala, RM, Ahsan, M, Lee, JY & Shenkar, O 2024, 'Multinational Corporations and Social Innovation in Emerging Markets', Management International Review, vol. 64, no. 3, pp. 343-363.
Xia, T & Liu, X 2022, 'The innovation paradox of TMT political capital in transition economy firms', Journal of Business Research, vol. 142, pp. 775-790.
Chidlow, A, Wang, J, Liu, X & Wei, Y 2021, 'A co-evolution perspective of EMNE internationalization and institutions: an Integrative Framework of 5Cs', International Business Review, vol. 30, no. 4, 101843.
Xia, T & Liu, X 2021, 'Cultural values and innovation: The mediating role of entrepreneurial learning capacity', Journal of International Management, vol. 27, no. 1, 100812.
Lin, D, Zheng, W, Lu, J, Liu, X & Wright, M 2019, 'Forgotten or not? Home country embeddedness and returnee entrepreneurship', Journal of World Business, vol. 54, no. 1, pp. 1-13.
Luo, H, Liu, X, Wu, A & Zhong, X 2019, 'Is it possible to escape? Local protectionism and outward foreign direct investment by Chinese privately-owned enterprises', Asia Pacific Journal of Management.
Lioliou, E, Willcocks, L & Liu, X 2019, 'Researching IT multi-sourcing and opportunistic behavior in conditions of uncertainty: a case approach', Journal of Business Research.
Han, X, Liu, X, Gao, L & Ghauri, P 2018, 'Chinese Multinational Enterprises in Europe and Africa: How do They Perceive Political Risk?', Management International Review, vol. 58, no. 1, pp. 121-146.
Nam, J, Liu, X, Lioliou, E & Jeong, M 2018, 'Do Board Directors Affect the Export Orientation and Export Performance of Korean Firms? A Resource Dependence Perspective', International Business Review, vol. 27, no. 1, pp. 269-280.
Han, X & Liu, X 2022, State Capitalism as an Instrument of Diplomacy: The Internationalization of Chinese Firms. in M Wright, GT Wood , A Cuervo-Cazurra , P Sun, I Okhmatovskiy & A Grosman (eds), The Oxford Handbook of State Capitalism and the Firm. Oxford Handbooks, Oxford University Press, pp. 306–326.
Han, X & Liu, X 2019, Legitimacy and Institutional Governance Infrastructure: Understanding Political Risk from a Chinese MNE Perspective. in Legitimacy and Institutional Governance Infrastructure: Understanding Political Risk from a Chinese MNE Perspective. pp. 3-26.
Conference contribution
Han, X, Chidlow, A & Liu, X 2019, Risk Management Legitimacy and the Overseas Subsidiary Performance in Emerging Market MNEs. in Academy of International Business – United Kingdom & Northern Ireland (AIB-UK&I) Chapter, University of Sussex, Brighton (24-27 April)..
Han, X, Chidlow, A & Liu, X 2019, Risk Management and the Post-entry Performance of Emerging Market MNEs. in Academy of International Business (AIB), Copenhagen, (22-27 June)..
Review article
Zhao, S, Liu, X, Andersson, U & Shenkar, O 2022, 'Knowledge management of emerging economy multinationals', Journal of World Business, vol. 57, no. 1, 101255.
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