Dr Melina M Manochin

Dr Melina M Manochin

The Department of Accounting
Associate Professor in Accounting

Contact details

University of Birmingham
B15 2TT

Dr Melina Manochin is an Associate Professor in Accounting at the Birmingham Business School of the University of Birmingham.

Melina’s research views accounting as a control and accountability practice of situated agents within various contexts. Her research interests include management accounting and control, accounting pedagogy, sustainability and accountability, interdisciplinary perspectives on accounting and research methodology. Melina's work includes a number of studies in empirical fields such as public services, housing associations, health care services, local authorities,  NGOs and sell side analysts. Melina is the module leader in the Public Sector Accounting and Governance (BSc final year), Management Accounting (MSc) and Dissertation (MSc) modules.

Melina has a track record of externally funded research and successful PhD and DBA supervision (supervised 11 doctorate candidates to completion, currently supervising three).


  • PhD in Accounting, University of Glasgow, 2005, Scotland
  • MAcc International Accounting and Financial Management, University of Glasgow, 2000, Scotland
  • BSc in Accounting, Technological Educational Institute, 1998, Greece
  • Certificate, University of Derby, 1998, England. Subject: Combined Subject Program – Socrates/Erasmus EU exchange
  • Associate Fellow Higher Education Academy


Melina is an experienced accounting academic with a record of high-quality research outputs and projects, a track record of research funding, successful doctorate supervision, and a sustained record of leadership and management roles at a department and school level. Melina actively contributes to the accounting discipline and community with many engagements and roles. 

Melina’s research and education experience has evolved around the importance of accounting as an influential social practice that impacts the control and accountability of sustainable organisations, and she focuses on the development of accounting graduates into effective business leaders with social awareness and skills. Melina has experience in developing, leading and supervising research projects using qualitative methodological designs that incorporate the theoretical analysis of substantive empirical evidence and contribute to developing both theory and practice.

Melina graduated in 1998 from the Technological Educational Institute in Kavala, Greece (now International Hellenic University). She gained professional experience working at an Accounting Practice and later, after graduation, at a Tobacco Trading Company. During her undergraduate studies, Melina won a national prize at a student competition of the Chamber of Commerce of Athens and the National Bank of Greece with an essay on the relationship between the public and private sectors suggesting exploring collaborative opportunities between the two sectors. As a final-year student, she participated in a Socrates / Erasmus exchange programme, where she completed a year at the University of Derby, UK (1997-98).

After graduation and gaining work experience in accounting, Melina was awarded a national scholarship for postgraduate studies. This led to joining the MAcc in International Accounting and Financial Management and later the PhD in Accounting program at the University of Glasgow, Scotland. Her doctorate research topic, ‘The role of Trust in a Resource Allocation Process’, under the supervision of Professor Ken Shackleton and Professor Clive Emmanuel, involved an in-depth case study of the interactions of a ‘Start Chamber’ committee while using a thorough Income-Driven Resource Model. The implication of social interactions in implementing the research allocation model was found to be far from technical.  

While completing her doctorate, Melina was appointed as a Research Fellow at the Cullen Centre of Risk and Governance at Caledonian University in 2004.  In 2005, Melina graduated with a doctorate and, in 2006, joined as a Lecturer in Accounting the Aston Business School at Aston University, UK.

Melina has been continuously involved in roles that contribute to both her academic community and the university in terms of leadership. She has been the Deputy Head of the Department and Acting HoD, ensuring the support of her colleagues and the department’s activities with sustained resourcing plans and mentoring. Other leadership roles included Research Convenor, Ethics Committee member, and UG Programme Director.

In the wider academic community, since 2006, Melina has been involved in organising the Management Accounting Research Group (MARG) annual conference that has been taking place for at least 35 years. Melina is a BAFA mentor for Early Career Researchers and a reviewer of the BAFA 2022 annual conference. She is an active council member of the Management Control Association (MCA), and is currently the Honorary Secretary of the MCA. Melina has been an external examiner at a number of universities, both in the UK and abroad.


  • Management Accounting
  • Public Sector Accounting and Governance
  • Dissertation

Other activities

  • British Accounting and Finance Association (BAFA) Mentor for ECRs (since 2021)  – Management Accounting
  • British Accounting and Finance Association (BAFA) conference reviewer
  • Council Member (since 2015), current role Honorary Secretary, Management Control Association
  • External Examiner, Dublin City University, (2021 – present), BSc Accounting and Finance
  • External Examiner, Liverpool John Moore University (2021 – present), BSc Accounting and Finance
  • External Examiner, University of Cork (2017 – 2020) MSc International Accounting Practice
  • External Examiner, University of Chester (2013- 2018) Various modules in BSc (Hons) Accounting and Finance (Chester and external partners)
  • External Examiner BPP Business School, London (2011 – 2015) Various modules in BSc (Hons) Business Studies, BSc (Hons) Professional Accounting, BSc (Hons) Finance and Banking
  • External Assessor for the Hellenic Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education, Athens, Greece (since 2010)
  • International Conference on Accounting and Finance, Da Nang, Vietnam, co-organiser 2015 - 2019
  • Academic Reviewer: Accounting, Auditing and Accountability Journal; Organization; Critical Perspectives on Accounting; Journal of Applied Accounting Research, Accounting Forum, British Accounting Review, Qualitative Research in Accounting and Management, Accounting Education


Recent publications


Lee, K, Akeksanyan, M, Harris, E & Manochin, M 2023, 'Throwing in the towel: What happens when analysts’ recommendations go wrong?', Contemporary Accounting Research. https://doi.org/10.1111/1911-3846.12875

Cordery, CJ, Arora, B & Manochin, M 2022, 'Public sector audit and the state's responsibility to “leave no‐one behind”: the role of integrated democratic accountability', Financial Accountability & Management. https://doi.org/10.1111/faam.12354

Lee, K & Manochin, M 2021, 'Sell-side equity analysts and equity sales: a study of interaction', British Accounting Review, vol. 53, no. 5, 100977. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.bar.2021.100977

Dewi, MK, Manochin, M & Belal, A 2021, 'Towards a conceptual framework of beneficiary accountability by NGOs: an Indonesian case study', Critical Perspectives on Accounting, vol. 80, 102130. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cpa.2019.102130

Dewi, M, Manochin, M & Belal, AR 2019, 'Marching with the Volunteers: Their Role and Impact on Beneficiary Accountability in an Indonesian NGO', Accounting, Auditing and Accountability Journal. https://doi.org/10.1108/AAAJ-10-2016-2727

Wihantoro, Y, Lowe;, ALAD, Cooper, S & Manochin, M 2015, 'Bureaucratic reform in post-Asian crisis Indonesia: the Directorate General of Tax', Critical Perspectives on Accounting. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cpa.2015.04.002

Manochin, M & Cooper, S 2015, 'Dialogic education: reflections from an accounting course', International Journal of Critical Accounting. https://doi.org/10.1504/IJCA.2015.069184

Loo, ID, Manochin, M & Cooper, S 2015, 'Enhancing the transparency of accounting research: the case of narrative analysis', Qualitative Research in Accounting and Management. https://doi.org/10.1108/QRAM-02-2013-0007

McWilliams, C & Manochin, M 2013, 'Engaging junior doctors: evidence from "open spaces" in England', Journal of health organization and management. https://doi.org/10.1108/JHOM-09-2012-0182

Manochin, M, Brignall, S, Lowe;, ALAD & Howell, C 2011, 'Visual modes of governmentality: traffic lights in a housing association', Management Accounting Research. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.mar.2010.10.010

Bailey, SJ, Asenova, D, Hood, J & Manochin, M 2010, 'An exploratory study of the utilisation of the UK's Prudential Borrowing Framework', Public Policy and Administration. https://doi.org/10.1177/0952076709356882


Cordery, C & Manochin, M 2023, Polycentric governance and SDG commitments: public sector responses in challenging times. in T Rana & L Parke (eds), The Routledge Handbook of Public Sector Accounting. 1st edn, Routledge, New York.

Commissioned report

Wynter, C, Manochin, M, Hidayah, NN & Lauwo, S 2021, Property tax management and its impact on social housing and governance: a case study of the stamp duty land tax exemption for registered social landlords.

Ballantine, J, Banks, G, Haynes, K, Manochin, M & Wall, T 2016, An Investigation of Gender Equality Issues at the Executive Level of the Northern Ireland Public Sector: Findings from a Study of Current and Aspiring Executives’ Perceptions. <https://www.ceforum.org/system/publications/assets/000/000/009/original/Gender_Equality_at_Executive_Level_of_the_N.I._Public_Sector_-_Full_Report_January_2016.pdf>

Other contribution

Harris, E, Herzig, C, Loo, ID & Manochin, M 2019, Management accounting and control for sustainability and strategic decision making.. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00187-019-00278-9

View all publications in research portal

Languages and other information

Greek, English

Policy experience

2021 'Property tax management and its impact on social housing and governance: A case study of the stamp duty land tax exemption for Registered Social Landlords', Chartered Institute of Taxation, Dr Carlene Wynter, Dr Melina Manochin, Dr Narul Hidayah, Dr Saran Lauwo.

2018 'Sustainable Development and the role of accountants in Vietnam' in Sustainability: a summary of recent research.  CIMA Global Academic and Universities Programme, Dr Melina Manochin, Professor Ataur Belal, Dr Phi Anh Doan Ngoc.

2015 'Gender Equality at the Executive level of the Northern Ireland Public Sector' with Professor Joan Ballantine, Professor Kathryn Haynes and Mr Tony Wall (Seminar 26.1.15 at Knowledge Exchange Seminar Series 4 - KESS, Northern Ireland Assembly/Launch event January 2016).

Report stage 1 and 2: 'An investigation of Gender Equality Issues at the Executive Level in Northern Ireland Public Sector Organisations', Date published 01 October 2014, Author: Professor Joan Ballantine, Dr Graeme Banks, Professor Kathryn Haynes, Dr Melina Manochin, Mr Tony Wall (www.executiveoffice-ni.gov.uk).

Report - 3 stages final: An Investigation of Gender Equality Issues at the Executive Level of the Northern Ireland Public Sector: Findings from a Study of Current and Aspiring Executives' Perceptions, Published January 2016, Professor Joan Ballantine, Dr Graeme Banks, Professor Kathryn Haynes, Dr Melina Manochin, Mr Tony Wall. Full Report.

2011 'Financial Management', learning session for the Black Country Mental Health NHS Trust, Centre for Executive Development, Aston Business School.

2006 'Alternative Risk Financing', with Dr John Hood and Dr Bill Stein for ALARM (the national forum for risk management in the public sector).