Recent publications
Chen, Y, Duong, HN, Goyal, A & Veeraraghavan, M 2023, 'Social capital and the pricing of initial public offerings', Journal of Empirical Finance, vol. 74, 101418.
Duong, HN, Goyal, A, Kallinterakis, V & Veeraraghavan, M 2022, 'Democracy and the pricing of initial public offerings around the world', Journal of Financial Economics, vol. 145, no. 1, pp. 322-341.
Chen, Y, Goyal, A & Zolotoy, L 2022, 'Global board reforms and the pricing of IPOs', Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, vol. 57, no. 6, pp. 2412-2443.
Chen, Y, Chui, ACW, Goyal, A & Veeraraghavan, M 2022, 'Societal secrecy and IPO underpricing', Journal of Corporate Finance, vol. 76, 102257.
Flavin, T, Goyal, A & O'Connor, T 2021, 'Corporate governance, life cycle, and payout precommitment: an emerging market study', Journal of Financial Research, vol. 44, no. 1, pp. 179-209.
Karaa, R, Slim, S, Goodell, JW, Goyal, A & Kallinterakis, V 2021, 'Do investors feedback trade in the Bitcoin—and why?', European Journal of Finance.
Huang, W, Goodell, JW & Goyal, A 2021, 'In times of crisis does ownership matter? Liquidity extraction through dividends during the 2007–2009 financial crisis', Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money, vol. 73, 101380.
Duong, HN, Goyal, A, Kallinterakis, V & Veeraraghavan, M 2021, 'Market manipulation rules and IPO underpricing', Journal of Corporate Finance, vol. 67, 101846.
Goodell, JW, Goyal, A & Urquhart, A 2021, 'Uncertainty of uncertainty and firm cash holdings', Journal of Financial Stability, vol. 56, 100922.
Goodell, JW, Goyal, A & Hasan, I 2020, 'Comparing financial transparency between for-profit and nonprofit suppliers of public goods: Evidence from microfinance', Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money, vol. 64, 101146.
Chen, Y, Goyal, A, Veeraraghavan, M & Zolotoy, L 2020, 'Media coverage and IPO pricing around the World', Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, vol. 55, no. 5, pp. 1515-1553.
Chen, Y, Goyal, A, Veeraraghavan, M & Zolotoy, L 2020, 'Terrorist attacks, investor sentiment, and the pricing of initial public offerings', Journal of Corporate Finance, vol. 65, 101780.
Espenlaub, S, Goyal, A & Mohamed, A 2020, 'The impact of shareholders and creditors rights on IPO performance: An international study', British Accounting Review, vol. 52, no. 1, 100872.
Goyal, A, Jategaonkar, SP & Muckley, CB 2020, 'Why do privatized firms pay higher dividends?', Journal of Corporate Finance, vol. 60, 101493.
Wang, C, Ye, Q & Goyal, A 2019, 'Does tenure matter: Role of the corporate secretary in chinese-listed firms', Accounting Horizons, vol. 33, no. 1, pp. 181-205.
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