Luke Gilfedder English Literature PhD

English Literature PhD student Luke Gilfedder spoke at the Filibusters in Birmingham: a Conference on Wyndham Lewis. We found out more about what he gained from participating in this event and his experience as a researcher at the University of Birmingham.

What benefits do you think participating in the conference has had, or will have, for you from an academic perspective?

Luke Gilfedder

Attending the conference was an invaluable opportunity to share my research and engage in in-person discussions with others on the latest developments in a very specialised field of study. Speaking to researchers at all stages of their careers was especially productive, from leading figures to up-and-coming voices.


What professional development skills have you enhanced from working at the event?

This conference was a great opportunity to enhance the valuable skill of synthesising and presenting complex research, and equally to integrating key learnings from other papers into my ongoing research.

Why did you choose to undertake research at the University of Birmingham?

Aside from its internationally renowned reputation, one of the main reasons I decided to conduct my research at the University of Birmingham was the opportunity to work closely with world-leading scholars in a unique field of Modernist study not catered for by any other university in such a developed capacity. The University’s Centre for Modernist Cultures is a key part of this offering. The Centre offers a uniquely valuable research culture, given my specific focus on Wyndham Lewis. It pioneers cutting-edge research on literary and artistic modernism, with its members working at the forefront of the field and with important links to leading journals such as Modernist Cultures

What are the best things about your course?

The opportunity to work on a one-to-one basis with published and leading voices in a highly specialised and challenging field, underpinned by access to rare and valuable research materials (online and in-person) through the extensive University of Birmingham library.

What support have you recieved during your PhD? 

I have received detailed and expert guidance on all stages of the PhD process, from the initial application to funding opportunities and theoretical elements of the thesis, from academics with proven success and internationally respected publications in a distinctive field of research.

Find out more about our PhD English Literature programme over on our course pages.