Olga Kenton

Olga Kenton

Department of Film and Creative Writing
Doctoral researcher

Contact details

PhD title: The Silent Voices of Russian Immigration

Supervisor: Dr Dan Vyleta, Dr Nataliya Rulyova and Dr Richard House

PhD Creative Writing


  • MA in Creative Writing, Maxim Gorky Literature Institute, Moscow


I was born and raised in Moscow. Being first published in 2010 I have written and had published in excess of 400 articles since then. My articles and interviews for the Russian-speaking newspapers and magazines (Pulse UK, Angliya, New Style) have included: interviews with Roxana Silbert, an artistic director of the REP Theatre, Andrey Zvyagintsev, Russian leading filmmaker, Diana Vishneva, a ballet star of the Mariinsky Theatre, Friedemann Vogel, Principal of Stuttgart Ballet, Formula 1 Russian Driver Daniil Kvyat, and leading actors of Moscow Vahtangov theatre, film-makers, artists, etc. 

Having lived in New Zealand for four years, Hong Kong and France for six months each, I moved with a family to the UK in 2012.

I am currently working on a translation of my fourth novel (“The immigrants”) and my creative research project at the Department of Film and Creative Writing.


2019 - Present: Teaching Associate at the Department of Modern Languages, University of Birmingham

I teach the following modules: Business Russian; Communicative Skills 2 (Translation from Russian into English) – Advanced and Intermediate levels.


“The silent voices of Russian Immigration” will be presented as a mixed-form prose text that juxtaposes elements of memoir and creative nonfiction profiles (based on the authentic stories of Russian immigrants in the UK).

The project will be written using both the personal experiences of the author’s life as an immigrant to the UK, and original research in the form of personal interviews conducted with Russian-speaking immigrants, from varying socio-economic and geographic backgrounds. The interviews will be used to document and explore the unique personal experiences, struggles, problems and challenges faced by Russian-speaking immigrants who have moved to and settled in the UK.

A primary project outcome will be the creation of a piece of experimental literature, based on the true events and experiences of the author and interviewees, that presents the many faces of the “new” Russian immigrant.

This project will contribute an alternative perspective to the on-going debate on immigration. 

Other activities


  • 2017 – Present  Assistant Teacher at MFL Department King Edward VI High School for Girls.
  • I teach Russian language, literature and films to GCSE and A-level students.

Other activities

  • 21 – 22 Sep 2018 Sir Robert Taylor Society Conference for the MFL teachers, Oxford
  • 13 June 2018 Edexel Pearson Teaching Film and Literature Conference, London
  • 10 – 11 Apr 2018 International London Book Fair
  • 12 Dec 2017 GCSE and A-level Russian Teachers Conference, London
  • 12 Nov 2017 A-level Russian language and Translation Conference, Oxford
  • Sep 2003 – Jun 2004  Script-writing Course, Gerasimov Institute of Cinematography, Moscow, Russia


  • 2015 The girl from the House on Embankment (novel, RUS), Ridero
  • 2014 At the Edge of the World (novel, RUS), Ridero
  • 2010 – Present Articles and interviews: Discovery RUSSIA, Pulse UK (London), Angliya (London), New Style Magazine (London).
  • 2011 Gorillas in Green (romance & humoristic novel, RUS), Publishing House NEWS, Moscow, Russia