Recent publications
Kushnirovich, N, Kuznetsova, I & Mikheieva , O 2025, 'Forced or voluntary migrants? Daily and labour market challenges for new Israeli citizens from Ukraine since 2014', Mobilities.
Mikheieva, O & Kuznetsova, I 2024, 'War-time volunteering and population displacement: from spontaneous help to organised volunteering in post-2014 Ukraine', Voluntary Sector Review, vol. 15, no. 1, pp. 74–91.
Murzakulova, A, Kuznetsova, I & Mogilevskii, R 2023, 'Has immobility been left behind in migration regulatory infrastructures?', International Migration.
AbuQamar, M, Eltayyan, D, Kuznetsova, I, Dhesi, S, Catling, J, Al-Dadah, R, Mahmoud, SM & Abuhaiba, M 2023, 'The impact of access to electricity on mental health in conflict-affected territories: An exploratory study in Gaza', International Journal of Social Psychiatry, pp. 1-9.
Pertek, S, Kuznetsova, I & Tsarevska, I 2023, 'Ukrainian internally displaced women at risk of sexual and gender-based violence' Forced Migration Review, no. 72, pp. 56-59. <>
Yasmin, T, Dhesi, S, Kuznetsova, I, Cooper, R, Krause, S & Lynch, I 2022, 'A system approach to water, sanitation, and hygiene resilience and sustainability in refugee communities', International Journal of Water Resources Development.
Adejoh, S, Kuznetsova, I & Dhesi, S 2022, 'Internally displaced people in Lagos: environmental health conditions and access to healthcare in the context of COVID-19', Critical Public Health.
Chapter (peer-reviewed)
Hamann, H, Heisserer, U, Kabira, N, Kusche, I, Kuznetsova, I, Liedl, P, Schonberg, T & Ventura, CAA 2024, Dynamic cities and rigid laws? Reflections on the role of law(s) in creating livable cities. in E Rabinovici (ed.), Laws: Rigidity and dynamics . World Scientific, pp. 181-205.
Kuznetsova, I 2024, L’uso della cittadinanza russa come strumento geopolitico. Le politiche di Mosca nei confronti dei profughi ucraini tra il 2014 e il 2021. in RM Cucciolla & N Pianciola (eds), Le trasformazioni della Russia putiniana. Stato, società, opposizione. I libri di Viella, no. 511, Viella editrice, Rome . <>
Kuznetsova, I 2023, ‘Longing for Home’: Internally Displaced People in Ukraine Before 2022. in L Lessard-Phillips, A Papoutsi, N Sigona & P Ziss (eds), Migration, displacement and diversity: The IRiS anthology. Oxford Publishing Services, Oxford, pp. 172-176.
Kuznetsova, I 2022, Internal Displacement and Mental Health in Ukraine. in Global Uncertainties: Collected Conversations from the Partnership for Conflict, Crime & Security Research. Partnership for Conflict, Crime and Security Research, Cambridge , pp. 84-86.
Commissioned report
Kuznetsova, I, Kogut, N & Jones, S 2024, Young Ukrainians in the UK: Lives in Limbo. University of Birmingham.
Conference contribution
Effiong, C, Kanu, E, Dhesi, S, Kuznetsova, I, Mahmoud, SM, Al-Dadah, R & Aziz, AN 2024, Air Pollution and Solid Waste: Promoting Green and Resilient Recovery in Nigeria. in AL Pisello, I Pigliautile, SSY Lau & NM Clark (eds), Building Resilient and Healthy Cities: A Guide to Environmental Sustainability and Well-being. 1 edn, vol. 1, Advances in Science, Technology & Innovation, Springer, Switzerland , pp. 31-43, 1st International Conference on Health and Environmental Resilience and Liveability in Cities, 20/01/22.
Other report
Mikheieva, O & Kuznetsova, I 2023, Internally displaced and immobile people in Ukraine between 2014 and 2022: older age and disabilities as factors of vulnerability. IOM Migration Research Series, no. 77, IOM. <>
Pertek, S, Kuznetsova, I & Kot, M 2022, “Not a single safe place”: The Ukrainian refugees at risk of violence, trafficking and exploitation. Findings from Poland and Ukraine. University of Birmingham. <>
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