Recent publications
Zhang, Y, Sun, J, Shen, X, Chandani, VL, Du, M, Song, C, Dai, Y, Hu, G, Yang, M, Tilstone, GH, Jordan, T, Dall'Olmo, G, Liu, Q, Nemitz, E, Callaghan, A, Brean, J, Sommariva, R, Beddows, D, Langford, B, Bloss, W, Acton, W, Harrison, R, Dall'Osto, M & Shi, Z 2024, 'Measurements of particulate methanesulfonic acid above the remote Arctic Ocean using a high resolution aerosol mass spectrometer', Atmospheric Environment, vol. 331, 120538.
Hall, J, Zhong, J, Jowett, S, Mazzeo, A, Thomas, GN, Bryson, JR, Dewar, S, Inglis, N, Wolstencroft, M, Muller, C, Bloss, W, Harrison, R & Bartington, S 2024, 'Regional Impact Assessment of Air Quality Improvement: The Air Quality Lifecourse Assessment Tool (AQ-LAT) for the West Midlands Combined Authority (WMCA)', Environmental Pollution, vol. 356, 123871.
Zhong, J, Stocker, J, Cai, X, Harrison, RM & Bloss, WJ 2024, 'Street-scale air quality modelling over the West Midlands, United Kingdom: Effect of idealised traffic reduction scenarios', Urban Climate, vol. 55, 101961.
Li, J, Lewis, AC, Hopkins, JR, Andrews, SJ, Murrells, T, Passant, N, Richmond, B, Hou, S, Bloss, WJ, Harrison, RM & Shi, Z 2024, 'The impact of multi-decadal changes in VOC speciation on urban ozone chemistry: A case study in Birmingham, United Kingdom', Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, vol. 24, no. 10, pp. 6219-6231.
Cowell, N, Baldo, C, Chapman, L, Bloss, W & Zhong, J 2024, 'What can we learn from nested IoT low-cost sensor networks for air quality? A case study of PM2.5 in Birmingham, UK', Meteorological Applications, vol. 31, no. 4, e2220.
Liu, B, Bryson, JR, Sevinc, D, Cole, M, Elliott, R, Bartington, S, Bloss, W & Shi, Z 2023, 'Assessing the Impacts of Birmingham’s Clean Air Zone on Air Quality: Estimates from a Machine Learning and Synthetic Control Approach', Environmental and Resource Economics, vol. 86, no. 1-2, pp. 203-231.,
Cho, C, Fuchs, H, Hofzumahaus, A, Holland, F, Bloss, WJ, Bohn, B, Dorn, HP, Glowania, M, Hohaus, T, Liu, L, Monks, PS, Niether, D, Rohrer, F, Sommariva, R, Tan, Z, Tillmann, R, Kiendler-Scharr, A, Wahner, A & Novelli, A 2023, 'Experimental chemical budgets of OH, HO2, and RO2 radicals in rural air in western Germany during the JULIAC campaign 2019', Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, vol. 23, no. 3, pp. 2003-2033.
Molden, N, Hemming, C, Leach, F, Levine, JG, Ropkins, K & Bloss, W 2023, 'Exposures to Particles and Volatile Organic Compounds across Multiple Transportation Modes', Sustainability (Switzerland), vol. 15, no. 5, 4005.
Andersen, ST, Carpenter, LJ, Reed, C, Lee, JD, Chance, R, Sherwen, T, Vaughan, AR, Stewart, J, Edwards, PM, Bloss, WJ, Sommariva, R, Crilley, LR, Nott, GJ, Neves, L, Read, K, Heard, DE, Seakins, PW, Whalley, LK, Boustead, GA, Fleming, LT, Stone, D & Fomba, KW 2023, 'Extensive field evidence for the release of HONO from the photolysis of nitrate aerosols', Science Advances, vol. 9, no. 3, eadd6266.
Nelson, BS, Bryant, DJ, Alam, MS, Sommariva, R, Bloss, WJ, Newland, MJ, Drysdale, WS, Vaughan, AR, Acton, WJF, Hewitt, CN, Crilley, LR, Swift, SJ, Edwards, PM, Lewis, AC, Langford, B, Nemitz, E, Shivani, Gadi, R, Gurjar, BR, Heard, DE, Whalley, LK, Şahin, UA, Beddows, DCS, Hopkins, JR, Lee, JD, Rickard, AR & Hamilton, JF 2023, 'Extreme Concentrations of Nitric Oxide Control Daytime Oxidation and Quench Nocturnal Oxidation Chemistry in Delhi during Highly Polluted Episodes', Environmental Science and Technology Letters, vol. 10, no. 6, pp. 520-527.
Sommariva, R, Alam, MS, Crilley, LR, Rooney, DJ, Bloss, WJ, Fomba, KW, Andersen, ST & Carpenter, LJ 2023, 'Factors Influencing the Formation of Nitrous Acid from Photolysis of Particulate Nitrate', The Journal of Physical Chemistry A, vol. 127, no. 44, pp. 9302-9310.
Dyson, JE, Whalley, LK, Slater, EJ, Woodward-Massey, R, Ye, C, Lee, JD, Squires, F, Hopkins, JR, Dunmore, RE, Shaw, M, Hamilton, JF, Lewis, AC, Worrall, SD, Bacak, A, Mehra, A, Bannan, TJ, Coe, H, Percival, CJ, Ouyang, B, Hewitt, CN, Jones, RL, Crilley, LR, Kramer, LJ, Acton, WJF, Bloss, WJ, Saksakulkrai, S, Xu, J, Shi, Z, Harrison, RM, Kotthaus, S, Grimmond, S, Sun, Y, Xu, W, Yue, S, Wei, L, Fu, P, Wang, X, Arnold, SR & Heard, DE 2023, 'Impact of HO2 aerosol uptake on radical levels and O3 production during summertime in Beijing', Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, vol. 23, no. 10, pp. 5679-5697.
Zhong, J, Hodgson, JR, Bloss, W & Shi, Z 2023, 'Impacts of net zero policies on air quality in a metropolitan area of the United Kingdom: Towards world health organization air quality guidelines', Environmental Research, vol. 236, 116704.
Matthaios, VN, Harrison, RM, Koutrakis, P & Bloss, WJ 2023, 'In-vehicle exposure to NO2 and PM2.5: A comprehensive assessment of controlling parameters and reduction strategies to minimise personal exposure', Science of the Total Environment, vol. 900, 165537.
Conference contribution
Zhong, J, Hood, C, Johnson, K, Stocker, J, Handley, J, Wolstencroft, M, Mazzeo, A, Cai, X & Bloss, WJ 2023, Modelling Street-Scale Resolution Air Quality for the West Midlands (UK) Using the ADMS-Urban RML System. in C Mensink & O Jorba (eds), Air Pollution Modeling and its Application XXVIII. 1 edn, Springer Proceedings in Complexity, Springer, pp. 77-82, ITM 2021, Barcelona, Spain, 18/10/21.
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