People in Paleobiology

Academic Staff

Professor Richard Butler

Professor Richard Butler

Professor of Palaeobiology
Director of Research, College of Life and Environmental Sciences

School of Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences

Richard is a vertebrate palaeontologist with expertise in the systematics, evolution and biogeography of late Palaeozoic to Mesozoic reptiles. His research addresses major patterns and drivers of biodiversity change through deep time, particularly as exemplified by four-limbed vertebrates (tetrapods), over the last 375 million years. He is also interested in the origin and dramatic ...


Dr Tom Dunkley Jones

Dr Tom Dunkley Jones

Birmingham Fellow

School of Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences

Tom is a micropalaeontologist and paleoceanograher specializing in the study of fossil coccolithophore algae. His research interests are focused on the warm-climate states of the Paleogene period and include the use of coccolithophore assemblages and geochemical signatures as palaeoceanographic proxies. Tom is also interested in improving reconstructions of warm climate temperature ...

+44 (0)121 414 6751

Professor Kirsty Edgar

Professor Kirsty Edgar

Professor in Micropalaeontology
Head of Research in the School of Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences

School of Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences

Kirsty specializes in foraminiferal micropalaeontology and palaeoclimate reconstructions. The overall goal of her research is to unravel the complex interplay between life and climate ranging from the modern day back through millions of years. Her current research has three interleaved strands building off these core expertise and interests:

[1] What did marine ecosystems in the past look like ...


Professor Sam Giles

Professor Sam Giles

Professor of Palaeobiology
Royal Society Dorothy Hodgkin Research Fellow

School of Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences

Sam Giles is a Professor of Palaeobiology with an interest in the anatomy, relationships, and macroevolution of Palaeozoic and Mesozoic fossil fishes. Her research uses x-ray imaging (CT scanning) to unlock the external and internal anatomy of living and fossil vertebrates. She is interested in the origins and evolutionary success of different bony vertebrate groups and the evolution of ...

+44(0) 121 41 49130

Dr Sarah Greene

Dr Sarah Greene

Associate Professor

School of Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences

Sarah is a palaeoclimatologist, geobiologist, and Earth system modeller studying the biogeochemical cycling of carbon between the atmosphere, the ocean, and marine sediments. Particular research interests include rapid carbon cycle perturbations (Mesozoic mass extinctions, Palaeogene hyperthermals), protracted multi-mullion year carbon cycle trends (co-evolution of life and the carbon cycle), and ...

+44(0)121 414 6167

Professor Jason Hilton

Professor Jason Hilton

Professor of Palaeobotany and Palaeoenvironments
School Health and Safety Coordinator (fieldwork)

Life and Environmental Sciences

Professor Hilton is a research focused palaeobotanist and evolutionary plant biologist with wide-ranging interests in palaeoenvironments and palaeoclimates through Earth history. He has a broad background in Geobiology and Earth Systems Science, and is an active researcher across a number of fields closely allied to his specialisation including investigations on mass extinctions, hyperthermal ...

+44 (0)121 41 46151

Dr Shan Huang

Dr Shan Huang

Assistant Professor in Paleobiology

Dr Huang is a macroecologist interested in understanding broad-scale biodiversity dynamics in space and time, particularly about the role of history in shaping the biota. Her primary research approach is to synthesize large data sets of both extinct and extant organismal systems and their environmental templates to investigate processes that give rise to the dramatic temporal and spatial ...


Dr Stephan Lautenschlager

Dr Stephan Lautenschlager

Associate Professor in Palaeobiology

School of Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences

Stephan is a vertebrate palaeontologist, specialising in functional morphology and biomechanical analysis. His research focuses on the relationship between form and function in extinct vertebrates and how biomechanical function evolved through time in various vertebrate groups, such as dinosaurs, birds, crocodiles and mammals. Stephan applies a variety of computational techniques to restore the ...

+44 (0)121 414 3957

Dr Ivan Sansom

Dr Ivan Sansom

Senior Lecturer in Palaeobiology

School of Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences

Ivan is a vertebrate palaeobiologist who specialises on the evolution and diversification of Palaeozoic non-tetrapod vertebrates, including conodonts, with a particular focus on the earliest skeletonising fish and the origin of the sharks. Current research primarily focuses on patterns of dispersal within early vertebrates and the influence of their palaeoecology on diversity and extinction.

+44 (0)121 41 46147

Dr James Wheeley

Dr James Wheeley

Senior Lecturer in Sedimentary Geology
School Deputy Head of Education

School of Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences

James Wheeley is a teaching-focused lecturer in sedimentary geology and sedimentary basin analysis. His research interests lie in carbonate sedimentology and applied micropalaeontology (especially conodont isotopes) which he is using to address deep time (Palaeozoic) palaeoclimatic and palaeoecological problems. 

+44 (0)121 41 46158

Postdoctoral Researchers

Zichuan Qin

Zichuan Qin

Postdoctoral Fellow

Zichuan Qin got his PhD at the University of Bristol and now he is a postdoctoral researcher fellow in University of Birmingham. He specializes in the functional and morphological evolution of bizarre dinosaurs. He is also an active paleontological science writer and translator on Chinese Internet community.


Dr Lisa Schnetz

Dr Lisa Schnetz

Research Fellow

School of Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences

Dr Lisa Schnetz is a vertebrate palaeobiologist whose main research interests are on the (macro-)evolution and diversification of Palaeozoic fossil fishes, specifically the cartilaginous fishes including sharks, skates, rays and chimaeras. Her current research uses x-ray imaging (CT scanning) and quantitative methods to unravel the diversity of feeding structures in heterostracans, early armoured ...


Postgraduate Students

Gemma Baker

PhD student

School of Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences

Gemma Baker is a PhD candidate in Earth Sciences, supervised by Dr Sarah Greene. Her project is entitled: "Life on the edge: new tools to track animal-forest trophic interaction across intact to degraded ecosystems."

Hannah Bird

PhD student

School of Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences

Hannah Bird is a PhD candidate in Earth Sciences, supervised by Dr Kirsty Edgar. Her project is entitled: "Fish like it hot? Response of fish and shark communities to abrupt past global warming."

Iacopo Cavicchini

PhD student

School of Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences

Iacopo Cavicchini is a PhD candidate in Earth Sciences, supervised by Prof Sam Giles. His project is entitled: "Tackling taxonomic and taphonomic biases in the Early Triassic fossil fish record."

Xin-Shi Cheng

PhD student

School of Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences

Xin-Shi Cheng is a PhD candidate in Earth Sciences, supervised by Prof Jason Hilton, on a project entitled: "Seeds as proxies of seed plant evolutionary and diversity changes through profound intervals of climate and environment change."

Soph Fasey

PhD student

School of Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences

Soph Fasey is a PhD candidate in Earth Sciences, supervised by Prof Sam Giles, on a project entitled: "Uniting taphonomy and tomography to illuminate early actinopterygian evolution."

Sarah Gale

PhD student

School of Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences

Sarah Gale is a PhD candidate in Earth Sciences, supervised by Dr Shan Huang, on a project entitled: "The relationship between marine extinction and climate change in space and time."

Sushanth Gattupalli

PhD student

School of Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences

Sushanth Gattupalli is a PhD candidate in Earth Sciences, supervised by Dr Tom Dunkley Jones, on a project entitled: "Investigating late miocene cocclith."

Marie Marsden

PhD student

School of Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences

Marie Marsden is a PhD candidate in Earth Sciences, supervised by Prof Richard Butler, on a project entitled: "Stratigraphy and dinosaur palaeontology of the Wealden Group, Isle of Wight."