Pak Wan Major Pau

Disaster risk management and community self-organization in the Asia-Pacific

Supervisors: Dr Louise Reardon and Dr May Chu

Pak Pau MajorThis proposed study intends to study UN’s disaster risk management (DRM) engagement in the context of Asia-Pacific states, other than the aforementioned-characteristic that the region is a hazard-prone one, the disparity in economic development has also made some populations more vulnerable than the others. Current literature offers fruitful empirical evidence on risk governance of different levels of governments as well as interactions among them in the context of numerous Asia-Pacific states. However, the conditions and mechanisms of institutional convergence and policy transfer among regional governments and communities remain unclear. It is the focus of this proposed study to compare the effects and variations in these engagement projects among regional governments and communities. 


  • BA (WHU)
  • MSc (KCL)

Research interests

  • Policy diffusion
  • Institutionalism
  • Environmental policy
  • Collective action

Conference papers

Mar 3 -5 2021
The Asia Pacific Public Policy Network (Ap-PPN) Annual Conference
The Education University of Hong Kong
Title: Resilience of peripheral communities and public support: The cases of two villages


Oct 29 – 30, 2019
Conference of Public Administration in China, Suzhou, China
Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University
Title: Regulation in China


Contact details
