Celine Henry-Agyemang

Celine Henry-Agyemang

Department of African Studies and Anthropology
Doctoral researcher

Contact details

PhD title: Elites, Exile, and Empire: Remaking the Identity of Asantehene Prempeh I
Supervisor: Dr Kate Skinner and Dr Manu Sehgal
PhD African Studies and Anthropology


  • History and Politics BA Hons (University of Hull)
  • Africa and International Development MSc (University of Edinburgh)


Previous dissertations

  • History and Politics: The Legacies of British Colonialism in Sierra-Leone, Ghana and Nigeria
  • Africa and International Development: How images of suffering from the Biafran War has shaped humanitarianism towards Africa

Previous work background

  • Insight and Evaluation Executive at Prime Ministers Office and Cabinet Office, London
  • Project Evaluation Officer at the Joint Inspection Unit, United Nations, Geneva
  • Student Researcher at the Wilberforce Institute, Hull


Asantehene Prempeh I was one of several elite figures who experienced exile by the British administration during this period of colonisation and colonial expansion. Whilst there are a number of scholarly works on Prempeh’s exile and return, most of these pre-date the turn of trans-national history, and the study of carceral geographies around the globe. My research focuses on the underlying theme of impact and remaking of identities through the happenings while on exile in the Seychelles Island and repatriation to Asante as a mechanism through various archival material. This be pursued by giving particular attention to photography and its role in representing, projecting and legitimising colonial power.

Other activities

  • 'JIU Evaluation Report - https://documents-dds-ny.un.org/doc/UNDOC/GEN/G19/279/72/PDF/G1927972.pdf
  • OpenElementTuring Scheme Grant - Archival Fieldwork to Ghana, May - June 2022