History and Climate Change

9 Margaret St, Birmingham and Midland Institute, Birmingham B3 3BS
Saturday 8 November 2014 (10:30-15:45)

A Rescue! History day workshop

This workshop is open to scholars, activists, policy-makers and members of the public and aims to explore two related questions. Firstly, to think about how climate concern is forcing us to rethink our understandings of history, often in quite radical ways. Second, how history and historians should inform our understandings of climate change and actively contribute to changing society to ensure an ecologically wholesome future. We are particularly keen to explore how our historical understanding and rhetoric around climate change have changed in the last five years and how they might need to change in the future. 


Session 1 10:30-11:20

  • Roundtable discussion: Mark Levene (University of Southampton), Paul Dukes (University of Aberdeen), Frank Uekötter (University of Birmingham)

Session 2: History and climate change 11:30-13:00

  • ‘Managing flood and river flow: early medieval place-names in contemporary context.’ Richard Jones (University of Leicester)
  • ‘Livelihoods, history, politics, culture: Lessons for climate change from nineteenth-century India.’ George Adamson (King’s College, London)
  • ‘Come for the Past, Learn About the Future: Rethinking Interpretation at an American Historical Site in the Age of a Changed Climate.’ Philip Levy (University of South Florida)

Session 3: Climate change, the academy and society 14:00-15:45

  • ‘From 'back to nature' to 'alternative hedonism': rethinking contemporary feminist and queer histories in an age of climate change.’Carrie Hamilton, Roehampton University
  • ‘Freaks ON nature. A Climate Change Crip-story: on occupations and discriminations of disabled people in the history of environmentalism, ecology and related arts practices.’Alicia Grace, Independent researcher and arts practitioner
  • ‘Archivism, Activism and Climate Change in the 21stcentury: Lessons from Paganel Primary, B29.’ Marcus Belben (University of Birmingham)

Register now

You will need to register to attend the event.  The standard price to attend is £18 and the reduced price for students/ unemployed is £10.  

  • Book your place now at the online shop. 
  • Registrations will close on Friday 7 November 2014.