Augustus Welby Northmore Pugin and the revival of Coventry's Catholic heritage

Zoom event
Thursday 16 November 2023 (19:00-20:30)

Dr Imogen Peck:

Centre for Midlands History and  Cultures Seminar

Speaker:  Joanna Meredith, (Coventry University)

In this seminar, Joanna Meredith (Doctoral Researcher, Coventry University) will discuss new insights into the Catholic Revival movement in the English Midlands, by exploring how and why A.W.N Pugin brought Coventry’s Catholic heritage into visibility in the early nineteenth century. Following Pugin’s footsteps, she will examine in what ways he reimagined Coventry’s medieval buildings in order to build his own Catholic utopia and also his response to Holy Trinity’s Doom painting.

This online event will be delivered via Zoom, the meeting link will be shared in the confirmation email after booking. Please note that microphones will be muted upon entry and during the presentation, but attendees will be able to unmute for the Q & A session at the end.

Everyone welcome!