Romance grammars, context and contact workshop (RGCC2021)
- Dates
- Wednesday 24 March (09:00) - Friday 26 March 2021 (17:00)
The purpose of this online workshop is to draw together interdisciplinary perspectives towards Romance grammatical variation in the context of migration, multilingualism, contact, language oppression and/or other social and material contextual factors in relation to Romance linguistic communities and/or their language practices.
The workshop is an extension of the project The Grammar of Judeo-Spanish (British Academy/Leverhulme Trust grant no. SRG1819\191358), and will comprise general sessions as well a day dedicated to research on Judeo-Spanish and associated varieties of Romance (including but not limited to Judeo-Romance, Balkan Romance and non-territorial Romance varieties).
This online workshop will bring together scholars with expertise in Romance morphosyntactic variation, working at different interfaces (generative, sociolinguistics, dialectology, and language contact), alongside scholars and stakeholders working on language ideologies, language policy/planning and language documentation. In addition to live delegate presentations and lightning talks, highlights of the event will include an interactive dialogue between invited speakers, and a public lecture on Judeo-Spanish and Solitreo workshop. Panels will be organized to accommodate the different time zones of our speakers and delegates.
Keynote speakers confirmed
Keynote Lecture: Silvina Montrul (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
Invited speakers for the panel 'Doing Romance Linguistics':
Public Lecture and Workshop
Thursday 25 March, 2-4pm (GMT/UTC)
- La diferensia entre el ladino i el kristilyano (The Difference between Ladino and Kristilyano) Eliezer Papo (Ben Gurion University of the Negev)
- Write your own name in Solitreo, Carlos Yebra López (New York University)
Call for papers
Please note the call for papers is now closed and we will be in touch with all those who have submitted papers in the near future.