(Trans)forming knowledge: meet & eat

Hybrid event in person and on Zoom, Nuffield - Seminar Room G22 (R9 on campus map)
Wednesday 23 November 2022 (13:00-15:00)


An informal lunch next Wednesday for staff and PGRs who are connected to - or might be interested in - the Department's "(Trans)forming knowledge" research stream.  It will be an opportunity to meet members of the stream, find out about current research projects, and make plans for future stream activities. We're asking people if they'd like to talk about themselves/their research interests/current projects etc. for 5 mins. If you are willing to talk about your research, please send a quick email to Natasha Rulyova at n.e.rulyova@bham.ac.uk by Monday, 21 November.

For more information about the stream, please see the (Trans)forming Knowledge website.

If you'd like to come and will be attending the lunch in person, we'd be grateful if you could please let the School Administrator Lynn Wadding know about any dietary requirements (l.wadding.1@bham.ac.uk). 




Zoom link

Meeting ID: 849 0660 5061
Passcode: 041116