Zach Dawson

Photo of Zach Dawson

Department of Music
Doctoral researcher

Contact details

PhD title:  ‘x For y Hours’ – Music's Ontological Status After the Internet
Supervisors: Dr Christopher Haworth, Dr John Richards and Dr Annie Mahtani
PhD Musical Composition by Research (FT)


  • Royal Birmingham Conservatoire: Masters in Music Composition with Distinction (2012-2015)
  • Leeds College of Music: BA (Hons) in Classical Music Performance (2009-2012)


I am a composer-performer, researcher, and curator based in Shropshire (UK). I release music under the experimental electronic duo 7balcony, co-organise a research series, and co-curate experimental concerts for Post-Paradise Series.

I have self-produced singles, EP’s, and albums and performed my work at many festivals and concerts nationally and internationally. Most recent highlights include; debut album under 7balcony (supported by AHRC, Royal Birmingham Conservatoire, distributed by NMC Records), presenting work at NIME 2021 (New Interfaces for Musical Expression), site-specific performance-installation presented on Zoom (commissioned by Post-Paradise Series and Hinrichsen Foundation), and performances at Ten Acres of Sound, Thinking/Not Thinking, Supersonic Festival, Ideas of Noise Festival, and Eastside Projects (Birmingham).

My practice-based research project at University of Birmingham, with cross-institutional support from De Montfort University, is supported by the AHRC’s Midlands4Cities Doctoral Training Partnership.


My practice-based research currently centres on music's ontological status after the internet, the 'new' in New and Experimental music practice, and appropriation in the internet age.  Connected to these areas I also address the issue of medium specificity and 'post-medium' in relation to music. 

Other activities


• De Montfort University - MTI2 Institute for Sonic Creativity Research Seminars

Committee member and co-organiser roles

• University of Birmingham - Sounding Research Series (Music Department’s PGR focused research series)