International projects: funding opportunities

Muirhead, Room 415
Wednesday 23 October 2019 (12:00-14:00)

Come and listen to/meet colleagues who have secured large international grants and are willing to share some insights with us: Professor Dagmar Divjak, Dr Insa Nolte, Dr Klaus Richter and Dr Jutta Vinzent and Dr Eleonore Dyspersyn-Nievergelt (Research Development Manager)

As, within CAL, our school has considerable overlaps with SHaC concerning our strengths and challenges in international research collaborations, Dr Manu Sehgal, SHaC's Head of Internationalisation, and Dr Berny Sèbe are organising a series of themed workshops over the course of the next years. There will be one each term with contributions from colleagues across all constituents of SHaC and LCAHM. 

The first workshop of this academic year will take place on 23 October 12.00 - 14:00.  It will focus on potential funding opportunities available to colleagues interested in leading international projects. The workshop is designed to provide new insights into how research can be funded outside of the UK; it should be useful for everybody who is research-active, by helping us look at our own research from an international perspective. 

Tea, coffee and biscuits will be available at the start of the event.