Each year we receive many applications for every place available and it takes a long time to study these applications carefully. You should not be concerned if you do not hear a final decision until some months after you have submitted your UCAS form.
How to apply
Applicants should enter details of all their qualifications on the relevant section of the UCAS form. Incomplete applications (including a missing reference) will not be considered. A decision will be based solely on the UCAS application and information provided separately or after the deadline will not be considered.
The deadline for UCAS applications to study Medicine and Surgery is 15th October.
Please note the following codes below as you will need them when you apply:
University of Birmingham code: B32
MBChB code: A100
Please note only four choices can be used to apply to medical schools.
Key dates
- Before you submit your application – you will be deciding which Medical Schools to apply for, visiting your top-choice universities at Open Days, undertaking work experience, sitting the UCAT test and drafting your personal statement.
- September – applications for Medicine open via UCAS.
- October 15th – applications for Medicine close via UCAS. The University of Birmingham will not consider late applications.
- November and December – Taking all UCAS applications and UCAT scores into account, we aim to select who to invite for interview in the new year, before the end of December.
- January and February – Interviews will take place.
- March and April – Based on interview rankings and the Situational Judgement band of the UCAT test, we will decide who to issue offers to. Offer-holders who have not had a chance to visit the university are invited to attend an Offer-holder Visit Day to help them make a decision on which university they would like to put as their firm and insurance choice on UCAS. Places at these events are very limited, so it is not compulsory to attend.
- April and May – Those who have accepted our offer on UCAS are invited to complete Health and Immunisation forms and complete a DBS/police check.
- May, June and July – Most A Level exams take place and are assessed.
- August – A Level results day falls in August, and this is when most offer-holders will know if they have met the terms of our offer. Offer-holders are advised to recap their Biology and Chemistry studies before term commences.
- September – Welcome Week and the programme will begin and reading lists will be available to all new students. Please see the University of Birmingham’s term dates here.