Rainbow Network Event

Watson Building - Lecture Theatre B
Wednesday 28 March 2018 (17:30-19:00)

At 5:30pm on Wednesday 28th March, Serena Sidaway will be visiting campus to talk about the upcoming review of the Gender Recognition Act (GRA) and the work that Stonewall are doing to support this. Serena is a Client Account Manager at Stonewall, specialising in the health and social care sector and public sector organisations based in the West Midlands. She works with public sector organisations to progress towards LGBT inclusion and equality for staff and service users.

The presentation will cover the history and current state of the GRA, Stonewall’s view on GRA reform, and the context behind the need for GRA reform.

Refreshments will be provided, so please do register for catering purposes, and feel free to pass information about the event on to others who may be interested.