The Rights for Time Network Plus
A four-year interdisciplinary AHRC Global Challenges Research Fund project that is commissioning research about humanitarian protection.
The Rights for Time / Time for Rights Network Plus is a collaborative interdisciplinary project between universities, NGOs, CSOs, artists, and grassroots organisations around the world. The Network will be commissioning research projects led by interdisciplinary teams from the Global South and the UK to tackle humanitarian protection challenges in DAC-list countries.
The Network will support projects that deliver a new understanding of how time conditions war, displacement, and violence, and that shift the possibilities and frame of action for humanitarian protection and human rights policy and law. Humanitarian protection is driven by the immediacy of crisis and urgency. But, in contexts of protracted conflict and displacement, it is often the hidden, cumulative damage that takes place over time that sets the terms for future violence, change, and possible peace.

Network objectives:
- Convene and develop a sustainable research network that will become a major transnational hub for developing new knowledge and practice, and transform the understanding of past, present, and future times of human rights;
- Create new evidence bases to demonstrate the impact of the long times of violence and trauma. Frequently hidden and, urgently, intersectional histories, pose unique and complex challenges to protection. The Network will deliver new methodologies and measures to make hidden damage visible to law and policy;
- Develop policy, practice, and legal thinking that can address the different times of violence. The fluctuating and impatient times of humanitarian law, policy, and practice are often at odds with the long times of violence. Precedent, habit, and protracted presentism all currently inhibit new and effective responses to risk, prediction, prevention, legislation, and protection. The Network will link new evidence bases, measures and methodologies with policy on a local, national, and international level;
- Develop in-community arts, practices, and languages that can make the times violence culturally visible and operative. The Network will develop new creative tools for advocacy and enduring change on the ground and in policy at local, national, and international levels.
What will The Rights for Time Network Plus do?
The project will unfold over three phases. In the first phase, there will be proof of concept research projects in Rwanda, Lebanon, Palestine, Jordan, and Kenya. This work will bring together NGO and CSO partners and academic experts from literature, political science, psychology, refugee studies, biology, social policy, and law. The team are working within and across contexts where the long periods of violence have produced enduring and intractable challenges, particularly for vulnerable communities and groups, such as refugees, people who have been displaced, women, and children. In the second phase of the project, the team will expand the network to include a wider range of DAC-list countries and investigators and commission research that focuses on humanitarian protection challenges in the Global South. Commissioning will include a Rights for Time Research Fellow for 18 months, small (£10k) research project grants, and large (up to £100k) research project grants. Over £800,000 in research funding will be awarded. In the third phase, we will disseminate our findings, and hold a Research Summit.
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The Team
- Professor Rana Dajani, Taghyeer Organisation, and We Love Reading
- Professor Tamirace Fakhoury, Centre for Lebanese Studies, Lebanese American University
- Dr Heather Flowe (PI), Psychology, University of Birmingham
- Dr Zoe Norridge, English Language and Literature, KCL
- Dr Nora Parr, School of English, Drama, and Creative Studies, University of Birmingham
- Professor Jenny Phillimore, Institute of Applied Social Sciences, University of Birmingham
- Professor Lyndsey Stonebridge, English, Drama, American and Canadian Studies, University of Birmingham
- Dr Ben Warwick, Law, University of Birmingham
- Dr Alexandra Enocson, Project Manager
Project Partners